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Edward Boswell

From 430 ratings
Suddenly with a jolt, the entire box VANISHES, leaving only the cards - a normal deck - in your hands. Looks like trick photography!

Imagine an effect so impossibly visual, it looks like trick photography.

This is what we imagined when we first heard of Rapture. We didn’t think it could be possible. If you could perform REAL magic, this is what it would look like. Rapture is a miraculous change, where a card box can appear and disappear in the blink of an eye. You show the front and back of a card box. Suddenly with a jolt, the entire box disappears, leaving only the cards - a normal deck - in your hands.

A practical method created for the performer.

This isn’t just a trick to be performed for your webcam. Rapture was born for the performer. It uses a simple and practical method that allows you to perform it anywhere and everywhere. The Rapture gimmick utilizes household items and can be constructed in a few minutes. It’s durable enough to be used for hundreds of performances, yet small enough to fit in your pocket.

One Hour of Instruction :: 3 Routines + Bonus Effect “UPRISING”

In over an HOUR of instruction, Edward Boswell will teach you multiple applications using the Rapture gimmick. You’ll learn how to make the box appear, disappear, and even teleport. Also included is a bonus effect UPRISING: a chosen card is placed on the bottom of the deck, sticking out. Then, as if melting through the deck, it slowly and visually rises to the top.

Rapture is the perfect opener, closer, and everything in between!

174 Reviews

From 430 ratings

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Matthew B.

A decent opener to product your cards. Angle sensitive and requires a lot of practice, but looks really good. I didn't find the gimmick difficult to construct. The bonus Uprising effect pairs well with an ambitious card routine.

PittsburghOct 12th, 2021
Magic M.

Great trick and very simple. Easy to build the gimmick. If you work with cards a lot this would be a great trick for you.

GuamDec 10th, 2020
Spencer L.

Fantastic trick, what you see is what you get. The effect is visual and easy to do with a little practice.

Southington, CTDec 1st, 2020
Corbie S.

Very cool trick, definitely takes some practice to perform well.

New YorkMay 27th, 2020
Elias R.

The gimmick is easy to construct, and the angles required are easy to achieve, but I knocked a star because of how much practice it takes to perform a, albeit stunning, one second effect.

NCMay 26th, 2020

This one is really awesome as a quick opener or closer for any trick. First I thought it wouldn't be that handy, but as I experimented with it, it really comes in handy. It's maybe not in the tutorial, but I found out, that even deck vanishes are possible by that. A really well idea!

GermanyDec 8th, 2018
Anay N.

This is Awesome. The gimmick is so creative and is very easy to make. Although it takes a lot of practice to perform this, and it is highly angly. But I would recommend this.

Lewisville, TexasJan 3rd, 2018

This trick is awesome if you can build the gimmick right (it isn't too hard though). The trick is a little bit angle sensitive, but with lots of practice, this trick will fool everyone you see. It is very visual and Edward teaches it perfectly. It is an amazing trick that I would recommend to anyone.

UtahDec 28th, 2017
Jacob L.

The gimmick is a little on the Arts and Crafts side. But the advantage to that is there is no worrying about your expensive gimmick breaking since you can just make a new one insanely cheap. The production quality is serene, with the background free of distractions and the instructions clear as day. This will take some practice to achieve smoothly. Performing this in a mirror feels like I am witnessing a glitch in the matrix even to this day. That should be the standard that every visual effect should strive for.

IowaDec 2nd, 2017
Filip S.

Great trick and great explanation on the video. Also the bonus effect is really nice.

Ljubljana, LjubljanaOct 12th, 2017
Matt R.

If you're patient, the gimmick is easy to make. Will take some practice but well worth it.

Dublin, OhioAug 15th, 2017
Kristjan Kuld

Strong and visual, gimmick takes about a half hour to make and looks solid. Handling is very simple but practice will be needed to make this as smooth as butter. I spent the whole weekend just walking around putting practice to my sleights (minor)...I'm now confident to walk out and do this in the street. Great opener and it teaches a way to end clean with a ditch; actually if you own TKO, problem solved and you can hand the deck out with no problem...

EstoniaDec 9th, 2016
Will R.

This vanishing box trick is amazing! Making the gimmick is very easy to make and all you need is to be patient. The entire video is in such depth and very well explained. Boswell is very interactive with the camera, as if he were actually there with you, guiding you through the tutorial. Like everything, it takes some practice but no doubt is a very impressive illusion that will get the attention of everyone in the room! It was great that he included the other methods to use this gimmick for. It feels like a steal getting all that extra methods included! I overall recommend this to anyone reading this review. 5 out of 5 worth every penny... and then some!

MassachusettsSep 11th, 2016
Jakab B.

"Looks like trick-photography" in real life. Sure. The gimmick is easy to make. Easy to perform. The bonus Uprising is so clever! Love it! Thank you Edward!

Beled, HungaryJul 15th, 2016

Great method and so deceptive, I have shown all my friends and they still don't now how it is done. Although there is some clean up, it can be done casually and the angles in my opinion are fine (180 degrees).

Sydney, New South WalesJun 14th, 2016

I just bought rapture a week ago and it is hands down the best and most visual trick I have ever performed. i have recommended it to all of my magician friends.

IndianaApr 14th, 2016

I have been looking for a good box vanish for months, but when I saw Rapture I had to get it. The gimmick is really easy to make plus it works amazing with the Ambitious Card. I have loads of fun with this trick and I recommend it to all card magicians.

CaliforniaApr 9th, 2016

Great trick - really love the detailed video of the gimmick and how to handle it.

CaliforniaJan 2nd, 2016

Absolutely love Rapture. Fantastic effect. I read a few not so good reviews online but they were so far off. Some said you end to dirty but honestly if you can do a gamblers cop you got nothing to worry about. Some others didn't like that the gimmick has to be perfectly constructed but it's really not that hard to do. It's just using some scissors and glue. Are you smarter than a 5th grader? If you are then you can make this gimmick. Overall this is one of my favorite effects ever. Edward does an excellent job teaching and gives you multiple variations, a production, a vanish, a card to box, an awesome transpo, and a bonus effect called uprising with an ambitious card application. So needless to say this is well worth the money and I highly recommend.

North CarolinaJan 1st, 2016

The trick is great! A real 'opener' ( of the box! Get it?) although needs practice to master the angles. The bonus effect uses the same gimmick, and Edward explains every step in detail. 5 stars.

London, UKNov 29th, 2015

Wow, this trick is great! It's super visual and a great opener to any of your card routines. Highly recommended! Great way to spend twenty dollars.

San DiegoAug 16th, 2015

This trick is an eye opener. It's absolutely great.

USAApr 8th, 2015
Jon Carter

Rapture is an intense effect. I've seen effects that make the card box "disappear" or "reappear" but they are not as cleverly concealed as Rapture. 10/10 would recommend.

Murray, KYJan 28th, 2015
Trey Tayloe

This is a ridiculous effect. Ridiculous. The only word I can think of to describe Edward Boswell's mind is absolutely, mind-bendingly ridiculous. If you call yourself a card magician and want to make yourself stand out from any other two-bit card hustler then this IS the trick for you. I have to say this is the best and worst $20 I have ever spent, and I say this for two reasons. One, I am a mainly walkaround/street magician and this kind of trick is PERFECT for that. Your angles, if not 100%, are at least 99% depending on the routine. I believe with the right amount of practice the only angle you have to worry about is people LAYING DOWN UNDER YOU. SERIOUSLY. IT IS THAT GOOD. Now I think I can say without giving too much away that this effect will take a lot of practice. You're going to regret buying it at first. You're going to hate magic. You're going to hate Edward Boswell. But once you put the elbow grease into repeatedly practice this effect and perform it in front of real life spectators, it will change the way you do magic. Much like 52 Shades of Red by Shin Lim, this sort of real life camera trick is much too good to pass up. This is the kind of trick you can watch yourself do in a mirror and get legitimate goosebumps. Overall, gimmick construction is easy, but might take you two or three tries to get it absolutely perfect. Practice, practice, practice. Perfect for street, walkaround, parlor, whatever. A perfect effect.

Orlando, FLDec 13th, 2014

This is one of the most awesome tricks that you can perform with the box. The gimmick is super easy to make, and you can use the extra effect to "explain" how the ambitious card works.

MexicoMay 19th, 2014

Perfect opener in my opinion. The first reaction of my friends were like "WTF" or "OMG". To conclude: Easy, practical, recommend.

GermanyMay 5th, 2014
Vivek Singhi

Not as practical as I thought it would be. I think it's very angle sensitive.

IndiaApr 21st, 2014

it is the most mind blowing, scream interruptor, prayer shifter, finisher of any routine I've ever seen. A must buy element for anyone willing to be a real magician. The gimmick is one of the easiest I have ever seen and Edward Boswell is easy to understand in every second of the video.

MexicoApr 16th, 2014

The gimmick is so easy to make! Other people might disagree but don't listen to them. Overall a great trick!

IrelandApr 1st, 2014

I stopped practicing magic for a while when school got tough, but later on when I opened up my box of magic again, I found this gimmick. I immediately sat down and was amazed at how cool this effect looks. Love it!

United StatesDec 30th, 2013
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