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Strike Second Deal

Jason England

From 35 ratings
Jason England presents the definitive guide to getting started with the Strike Second Deal. A tool you will practice in pursuit of distant perfection.

Straight from the mechanic's arsenal, an essential sleight-of-hand card movement that has been championed by such iconic figures as Dai Vernon and Charlie Miller.

Learn from a master with over 20 years of experience and expertise.

The Strike Second Deal is a move whose utility stretches from applications in countless magic tricks to hardcore card hustling. Containing never before released details, this video is the most comprehensive guide to the sleight in recent years.

Taught by Jason England, learn every critical nuance of the deal - along with the subtleties that make it completely undetectable - in 21 minutes of in depth, high definition instruction.

Want to know MORE? Listen to our latest roundtable discussion podcast with Jason England discussing modern magic instruction and advanced sleight of hand technique.

8 Reviews

From 35 ratings

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Joshua L.

Probably the best video tutorial you are going to get for the second deal. I had been practicing this sleight every day for months before purchasing this and the tips and approach that Jason teaches in this are stellar. Just about a month after watching this my second deal has turned from acceptable to downright unfair to the spectator. Definitely recommend.

Peoria, IllinoisApr 27th, 2019
Charles Y.

Jason's lesson on the strike second deal is a fantastic introduction into a very time consuming sleight. Along with detailed descriptions of the mechanics, he also provides a short list of print resources (basics that any aspiring Magician will need) for reference. Along with actual instruction, Jason also provides some good advice on what to focus on in practice and how to start out with the strike double as well as how to improve once you have the basics. Jason is the real deal and can deal with a brief the size of an atom, but is still sure to remind you that rhythm and consistency are more important that the size of your brief.

Osaka, JapanAug 16th, 2017

Jason's teaching put me on the road to learning this technique. Most importantly, I have confidence that he has a deep understanding of this subject and saving me many of the time-consuming pitfalls!

Los AngelesApr 20th, 2016

Overall a nice teaching session with Jason England. He does a good job breaking out the component parts of the second deal. The only element I thought he really skimped on was the grip. Considering how much debate and literature there is discussion the various grips possible, I was surprised there was no mention of this at all. So back to the books for more details with that, but still a good video for a good price.

Los AngelesSep 17th, 2015
Danny Houdini

Being a magic enthusiast I decided to learn the second deal in order to go for the next level on my magic, after 6 moths of constant practice and the instructions from Jason England my second deal is not perfect but good enough to perform effects that make people go nuts! Buy This!

MexicoDec 26th, 2014

Outstanding instructional! Jason takes something as daunting as a second deal and breaks it down step by step, with multiple variations and techniques. Everything is there for you to master this invaluable move. The rest will be up to practice. A lot of practice!

MontanaApr 26th, 2013

This is a fantastic instructional video on a legendary sleight as taught by a true master. Jason has a brief that is even smaller than his ego (if I were as talented as he is I would be truly insufferably arrogant) and he teaches the move from scratch with advice on everything from mechanics to narrowing the brief to common pitfalls to rhythm; no stone is left unturned. I have not rated this five stars however as Jason says that one must strive for a small brief, which I disagree with. A small brief is great for a demo but in magic or, heaven forbid, cheating if cards are pushed off the pack when dealing tops then not for seconds it looks suspicious. To counter this one could of course deal a top with a tiny push off but why bother when a strike second with a brief as large as naturally allowed as your dealing style and appropriate shade form wrist movement, finger placement, etc., is easier and more natural. However, if you are new to the move learn it here and give my advice a try. You may disagree.

LondonFeb 28th, 2013

Taught by Jason England very well - lots of details. Thanks for the good instruction. I highly recommend this if you are interested in cheating and gambling.

AmsterdamOct 28th, 2010
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