t11.bulletin - New Site Launched + New Products

May 31, 2008
Also, is there really no "1 on 1" tab? :(

They just made a change to the Tricks section, the 1-ON-1s are mixed in there, that probably means The Wire will be back too.

Edit: Never mind, no change just my own stupidity. Also keep in mind, still two things to be released. Hey, I think I have like 40-less posts than I did before, anyone else have this? I'm not 100% sure, and even if I did lose posts it doesn't matter because I already have a crazy-high (almost sad) amount of posts.
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Sep 1, 2007
Los Angeles, California
Am I the only person who thinks the Sentinels cards will look A LOT better if the color were red/blue? I think the concept of the back design is neat, but why make it black again? It degrades it in my opinion.


Elite Member
Mar 21, 2009
I cant wait to see the finished site, if its great it will be well worth the wait!

Also is there any videos or trailers for the effects as they dont play for me?
Apr 20, 2010
Hey guys!

Appreciate the comments! Please withhold judgment a bit about the design - there are still MANY issues and glitches that are making things look a bit haywire at the moment. We're working as hard as we can on squashing the bugs!

nIvan - the Sentinels are not a limited edition deck and therefore will be produced perpetually. They are INCREDIBLE.

Oh man I can't wait to get a brick of these.
Sep 4, 2007
Kansas City
So far... tricks are not showing up in the "Tricks" section. Have to actually click on the Wynn's to see they are officially sold out. Media section navigation section all messed up. Displaying vertically and buttons are all out of whack. Button on top bar says store.. when really it's your cart.

Running IE 8, Windows 7

Sorry.. I'm a beta tester. :) Thats what I do.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Also, making the site iPhone accessible is a hugely epic win. I think that's what I like most about it.

The ENTIRE site - videos included - is 100% iPhone and iPad compatible. If things aren't working perfectly right now, they will very very soon!
Oct 29, 2009
Just around
Hmmmm, interesting. I'll wait and see when all the bugs have been fixed before I make an opinion. I did however like the simplicity of the old layout, but I'm I'll get used to this one.

Cool deal guys! Now to check out the new products.
Mar 11, 2008
i like it , looks alot neater and slick ! great work guys, im home. I noticed they paid attention to even the little details like adding new icons for Unicoin and the rest of the 1on1s
May 9, 2008
New site and Epic Win

New site is an Epic Win! Hey JB and theory11 crew! Great great awesomely awesome job on the new site and the awesome new releases! Obviously there are some bugs, but that was to be expected.




Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
The new design does need a little bit of work, but I'm happy with the new layout. I think the forums could use the most work. It seems as if it's harder to read and a little jumbled. Although, I most likely will be picking up some new stuff probably on Monday (when I can go to the bank and deposit my cash!). Smoke and Colorblind look awesome, I'll be looking into that as well as maybe some more new stuff if you release it by then! A very nice birthday present, I've had the best birthday ever so far, and this made it better. Played a little bit of Soda Pong, magic, music, ect. I'm in the middle of a party right now so I just wanted to come by and see everything. Peace.



Elite Member
Sep 2, 2007
Las Vegas
I personally love the new site design, it's brighter, upbeat, sleek.... and best of all - HAPPY! YAY! :eek: ha
Not to mention the fact that it's very user friendly, intuitive, and highly advanced for browsing and locating magic/cardistry tricks and effects.

Sentinels feel great, the most amazing box I've ever seen - the metallic ink is just insane.

Love it!

-Andrei Jikh
Jul 13, 2009
My reactions to this new site:

HOLY CRAP! My eyes!
Holy crap, my finger nails are dirty.
Wow this is a terrific new layout.
click click
So smoke isn't like Warning?
Hmm more playing cards...awesome |3
I must be in heaven, cause I went toward the light.
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