Saturday Night Contest - Fooling With Food


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hope you all are having a great start to the new year! Tonight marks our first Saturday Night Contest of 2015, and we have a fun one planned for all of you. This one is going to be a bit different compared to other types of contests we have had in the past, but we think it's going to be a great challenge, so let's get right into it.

Dan White was the mind and hands behind this new TV spot for Taco Bell, released this week in promotion of the new Taco Bell app. Although the commercial featured a little (or a lot!) of camera magic, it was cool to see magical effects presented in a huge commercial, choreographed by a magician. As we always say, it's not magic, but it was certainly magical. We want to take the concept of magic with food and apply it to this week's contest.

What is your challenge? Using any type of food or food related item, your job is to try and fool us (including special guest judge Dan White) with a magic effect of your own. For example, you could use food itself, or food related items such as utensils (forks, spoons), straws, napkins, cups; basically anything related to food is fair game. All you have to do is FOOL US. The only rule is that there must be no camera tricks whatsoever.

Film your created effect and upload it to either YouTube or Vimeo, and post the link in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 7:30pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, January 4th. After time is up, our panel of judges including Dan White will go through the submissions and decide on a winner.

What can you win? 1,000 Elite Member Points and 2 Decks of Black Mystery Box Playing Cards - one to open, if you so choose, and one to keep. We look forward to seeing your submissions. Happy New Year to everyone, and here's to a great year ahead!
Dec 13, 2013
Ohio, USA
You probably have an idea on how it is done, but seriously, please email me to see how it is actually done. you will be surprised. this will more than likely blow you away. I know you are very smart, but I will bet you that you have it wrong. PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!! rydiniATroadrunnerDOTcom. PLEASE!!!!!! my video:
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