Saturday Night Contest - Eleven Years


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Eleven years ago yesterday, theory11 launched into the wild. It wasn’t about cards. It wasn’t about tricks. It was about you - magicians, collectors, doctors, designers, soldiers, and students - united together with a shared passion. Together we’ve created hundreds of products. We’ve raised over $100,000 for non-profit organizations like Charity: Water and RED. We’ve created tours and shows on stage and on screen. We’ve learned and grown and relentlessly worked to advance this community. And we’re just getting started.

To help celebrate our 11th birthday, we want you all to take a photo of ANYTHING theory11 related. It could be your favorite theory11 deck, your favorite theory11 trick, your favorite theory11 shirt; anything that relates to theory11 in some way is all fair game for this contest! Post your photo to Instagram, hashtag it #theory11, and post the link to your photo in response to THIS forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow, Sunday, September 2nd.

Once time is up we will select 11 random winners. Yes, you read that correctly. ELEVEN WINNERS. Each winner will receive 1,000 Elite Member Points and a deck of Gold Monarchs, shipped on the house, anywhere in the world.

We couldn't have gotten to this point without all of your support, and we will be eternally grateful. Thank you to absolutely everyone who has made this journey possible and for making this community the best in the world!
Dec 1, 2017
Congrats Theory11 on your 11th year. Following your works ever since I started magic . I genuinely think that Theory11 is the only magic company that releases products that are worth buying. They put their time and effort to get the products to us. I love collecting stickers and Theory11's sticker is the first sticker that I got.
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