Recent content by abstract52

  1. abstract52

    Coin One Gimmick

    Is it an expanded shell gimmick?
  2. abstract52

    Coin questions

    I have a few questions about coins. First, can CoinOne be performed with quarters? I realize that it was intended for larger coins (half dollars and silver dollars) and larger coins are more visual but quarters might draw less suspicion because they are much more common and it might be...
  3. abstract52

    Saturday Night Contest - Roundtable Discussion with Homer Liwag

    questions Hi Homer, First off, how are you? Second, over the last few months I have been getting more and more into coin magic. I've realized that, even though some coin work is strictly sleight of hand, gimmicks are commonly needed in coin magic. Which coin gimmicks do you think are...
  4. abstract52

    On The Spot - Question?

    Is the watch steal, pickpocketing, quicksilver and the coins across?
  5. abstract52

    Impromptu PK

    I know I've been asking a lot of questions lately but here's another one. Which impromptu pk trick is more practical: Energy Bill or Shudder? I've read good reviews on shudder but none on Energy Bill. Dollar bills are more common than cans but they are both readily available. Energy bill seems...
  6. abstract52

    Blister effect question

    I am thinking about getting a Blister effect but only using it for a named number, and every once in a while for a named card (no force). So obviously one that doesn't require a deck. The three that I've heard are good are Third Degree Burn, d+M's, and Branded (how many number choices do you...
  7. abstract52

    On The Spot - Question?

    I'm an intermediate magician (but more on the advanced side with cards). This DVD seems to have some pretty cool impromptu stuff. Is On The Spot worth getting? The things on the DVD that interest me are Ticker Taker, Quick Silver, Open Palm Coins Across, Playful Pickpocketing, maybe Florida...
  8. abstract52

    Improv Help

    Hey everyone. Next week I'm going to Tannen's and I'm going to get a few things. What I'm looking for is stuff with an impromptu, improv feel to it. I'm okay with having a few little gimmicks like digital dissolve or a bent coin or a shell but nothing too extensive or something that requires a...
  9. abstract52

    PRIMER - Daniel Madison

    I agree. Do you think it is similar to another trick deck? If so can you inspect the deck? Pm me if you don't want to say what you think it is here
  10. abstract52

    PRIMER - Daniel Madison

    Its available now if some didn't notice. It said it would be available the 23rd, but in the US it's still the 22nd. So we can get it earlier than I thought. I'm seriously considering this because it isn't expensive and would make things a lot easier. Just because we can manage some if not all of...
  11. abstract52

    Psychological Forces

    Thanks, do you have any experience with d+M's, if so how often do they succeed? Because it says 100% accurate on his site.
  12. abstract52

    Psychological Forces

    I'm looking for something where you words and actions and tone ect... make them think of a certain card (or have a good chance of thinking of the card you want them to). David Blaine goes over this a little bit in his book but doesn't fully teach one he just gives you commonly thought of cards...
  13. abstract52

    Psychological Forces

    What is a good phsycological force where you don't need to have the deck you just make the spectator think of the card you want them to? Aren't there some of these in d+M's ONE and in Dee's Anate Simplex Killer? Howw practical/ reliable are these types of forces?
  14. abstract52

    PRIMER - Daniel Madison

    It's being released tomorrow and more info has been posted on the site as to what it can do. Sounds pretty cool to me but does anyone know if this is a deck that can be handed out and is it much different than some other common trick decks?
  15. abstract52


    Yes I understand that and sorry I wasn't clear. I have effects planned for a marked deck and I want to get either M or Blood for mental feeling effects. M seems to have strong magic but I'm unsure how practical the gimmicks are. Are some of them ungimmicked? Also, is the Blood system hard to...
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