Recent content by JayveeIsHere

  1. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Around the World
  2. J

    Saturday Night Contest - theory11 awards

    Andrei Jikh - Cardistry Spidey - Mentalism Jason England - Gambling Sleights
  3. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Game of BlackJAQK

    Jack of Spades 5 of hearts 5 of clubs
  4. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Game of BlackJAQK

    10 of hearts 8 of spades 3 of diamonds
  5. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Game of BlackJAQK

    King of Diamonds Ace of Hearts 7 of Clubs
  6. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Inside the Box

    My guess is actually 16
  7. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Dimitri Arleri Roundtable

    What is the history of your flourish "moulen rouge" Why entitle your dvd "Monument"? What is the difference between your dvd and other cardistry project out there?
  8. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Pasteboard Mentalism
  9. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Red, White, and Blue!

    Red: 7 of clubs White: 9 of hearts Blue: jack of spades
  10. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Show Your Collection

    Can we just upload it on Facebook? Or twitter? Or instagram?
  11. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Roundtable: Zach Heath

    Hey Zach! What was your inspiration for Circuit? Here in theory 11, who inspires you the mose when creating new stuff? Who looks more handsome? Zach heath or Zach mueller?
  12. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Inside The Magic Box

    So when I was young, my schoolmate showed me a trick where a bill turns upsidedown, seems preety lame but I was blown away, then on 6th grade, There was a Magic shop near our house, then I bought 1 of their stripper decks and Didn't know how to use it, haha, then when I reached the 8th grade, My...
  13. J

    Saturday Night Contest - The Vanishing Act

    Mine :))
  14. J

    Saturday Night Contest - The Vanishing Act

    After we make it vanish, can we make it reappear?
  15. J

    Saturday Night Contest - Backstage Pass

    Same old classic pass
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