Recent content by jonraiker

  1. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest - Cardistry Con!

    Hey everyone! We hope you all are having a great week! Casey is not here for the weekend as he is currently attending Cardistry-Con 2019 in Portland, Oregon! I will be taking his place as host for this week's contest, and as the title suggests, this is a cardistry based challenge. Your...
  2. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest - Take Two Challenge

    Hey guys, Hope you're all having a great week so far! Just yesterday we released Tycoon Ivory Edition playing cards. They are elegant, regal, and breathtaking; produced in collaboration with Steve Cohen, star of Chamber Magic® at the prestigious Waldorf Astoria in New York City. Tonight, I...
  3. jonraiker

    Theory11, why must you hurt me in this way?

    Hey Alexander! Just wanted to shed some light on this and clear up any confusion. We originally changed the color scheme of our Medallion Playing Cards to one that used no gold tones - which resulted in mixed feedback. After some deliberation, we decided to revert back to the original gold /...
  4. jonraiker

    Penn & Teller - TimesTalk

    Thirty years after their initial New York premiere, Penn and Teller will appear on Broadway in a new show beginning July 7th. The show will feature elements of their Las Vegas act and classics from their original repertoire. In celebration of the Broadway show, The New York Times will be...
  5. jonraiker

    Chan Canasta Art Exhibit

    Steve Cohen, star of Chamber Magic in New York City and co-creator of Tycoon Playing Cards, will be hosting an exclusive exhibition showcasing the paintings of renowned mentalist and magician Chan Canasta. The exhibit will take place on June 28th from 2:00-5:00pm EST at the luxurious Waldorf...
  6. jonraiker


    Can't recommend these enough - three of the most insightful books I own.
  7. jonraiker

    Not anymore.

    Not anymore.
  8. jonraiker

    I am back, and I'm going to hang around more

    Back in action! I hereby christen this the official theory11 reunion thread.
  9. jonraiker

    I am back, and I'm going to hang around more

    Glad to have you back!
  10. jonraiker

    Famous Magicians On Twitter?

    Suddenly famous. Day made.
  11. jonraiker

    Shipping Question

    Everything on the site is listed in US dollars, though you can use any number of free currency conversion tools to view the cost in its proper format: Delivery estimates can be found on theory11's shipping page HERE. Hope this helps! :)
  12. jonraiker

    theory11 Roundtable Discussion - Luke Dancy : Round Two

    This weekend, a surprise guest stopped in at the theory11 headquarters to film an incredible effect that is over nine years in the making. In light of this event, we felt tonight would be the perfect opportunity to host a roundtable discussion with one of the best minds in modern magic - Luke...
  13. jonraiker

    I'm back as well y'all!

    Glad to have you back fellas. :cool:
  14. jonraiker

    Memorized Stack Trainer (FREE)

    Any chance of an app for the iPhone / iPod touch? Just a thought. ;)
  15. jonraiker

    theory11 Deck Criticism

    Guys, Just a reminder to remain as courteous and professional as possible when posting. We welcome all opinions - so long as they are stated in a manner that is both intelligent and respectful to our community. Thanks in advance! Feel free to continue the discussion. :)
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