Recent content by RaviChandarana

  1. R

    Saturday Night Contest - The Book Test

    The - Page 187 or Please - Page 189
  2. R

    Saturday Night Contest - The Final Four

    Kentucky Wild Cats 58-65
  3. R

    Saturday Night Contest - theory11 awards

    Zach Mueller Spidey Calen Morelli
  4. R

    Saturday Night Contest - Super Bowl XLVIII

    Winner : Seahawks 43-34 Winner : Seahawks 37-34
  5. R

    Saturday Night Contest - White Magic Roundtable

    1) Most magicians became enamored with the magic at a young age. Can you describe your first encounter with illusion and how it managed to grab a hold of you? 2) Comedians are famous for referring to "tough crowds". As a magician, what kinds of audiences have you found to be the most...
  6. R

    Saturday Night Contest - Set The Record Straight
  7. R

    Saturday Night Contest - Rarebit Card Lottery

    Card 1) Queen of Hearts Card 2) King of hearts
  8. R

    Saturday Night Contest - Rarebit Card Lottery

    Card 1: Ace of spades Card 2: 9 of Diamonds
0 Results