Recent content by rydini12

  1. R

    Saturday Night Roundtable - Jason England

    1. What is the purpose of magic? 2. What is the #1 time that you messed up big in front of many many people, and what was it like? 3. What strives magic/magicians to continue the art, and get better?
  2. R

    Saturday Night Contest - Contraband Card Lotto

    Card 1: 8 of clubs Card 2: Jack of hearts Card 1: 5 of clubs Card 2: 7 of Diamonds
  3. R

    Saturday Night Contest - Fooling With Food

    Thank you so much chris7! it must have copied it wrong or something. thanks!
  4. R

    Saturday Night Contest - Fooling With Food

    magicbedo4, I think that there might be a winner here. u just might win, excellent performance
  5. R

    Saturday Night Contest - Fooling With Food

    You probably have an idea on how it is done, but seriously, please email me to see how it is actually done. you will be surprised. this will more than likely blow you away. I know you are very smart, but I will bet you that you have it wrong. PLEASE EMAIL ME!!!!! rydiniATroadrunnerDOTcom...
  6. R

    Saturday Night Contest - Fooling With Food I made it today. I haven't seen this method before. you probably believe that you know how it is done, but please email me to make sure. my email is rydiniATroadrunnerDOTcom. Thanks
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