Recent content by trapeze

  1. trapeze

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    Didn't know that about the Aristocrats. One other (since I bought one) that also probably doesn't merit going on the list but I will mention it anyway is the special large tuck case that holds four decks of Monarchs. It's not really a deck but it looks like one and, in my opinion, should be...
  2. trapeze

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    Artisan Gold? Aristocrats?
  3. trapeze

    Complete List of theory11 Decks

    Hmm...not seeing Purple Monarchs on the list. Nor the Derren Brown decks. Star Wars are in a galaxy far, far away.
  4. trapeze

    Bar Magic / Clubs Magic Effects

    The "no patter" limitation really puts you in a box. If it wasn't for that I would have all kinds of suggestions such as Tom Mullica's routines that he did at his own place, The Tom-foolery Magic Bar Theater or the works of Harry Anderson* or Whit Haydn's bar routines and, of course, Doc...
  5. trapeze

    Can Someone Tell Me

    And Blaine's signature decks are usually expensive and scarce (unless they are newly released and not yet sold out on the normal retail market). For instance, you won't find split spades or gatorbacks on ebay for less than about $25/deck and the average cost is closer to $40 or $50 per deck. In...
  6. trapeze


    My experience is that when a Theory 11 deck is listed as "sold out" it means just that* and there won't be any more printed. Fortunately, there are still many to be had at very reasonable prices on ebay. That will not last. *Although, presumably, they could pop up in the archive at some point.
  7. trapeze

    Have You Seen This Trick ? can almost certainly use a file management program on your computer to sort files by type so that you can then just look through media files. You may also be able to sort by date last modified and that may further help you to find it. Another way that you might be able to find it would...
  8. trapeze

    Little introduction and some advice needed

    I would agree with most of the above suggestions. I would say to take a look at two by Harry Lorayne..."The Magic Book" and "Close-Up Card Magic." Another interesting book would be "Now You See It, Now You Don't" by Bill Tarr...good instruction with detailed sequential illustrations covering a...
  9. trapeze

    Very dry hands

    I don't have a problem either way but I can tell you one thing that drys my hands out beyond belief is the dirt/soil where I live. The soil has a very high clay content and when I am working with it (yard work, that sort of thing) my hands will be dried out to the point of cracking open after a...
  10. trapeze

    Next BookTo Purchase

    Some of Harry Lorayne's early stuff might also be worth a look... Closeup Card Magic My Favorite Card Tricks The Magic Book
  11. trapeze

    Quick Question About a Brand of Sponge Balls.

    Agree...Goshman's are the best, always have been.
  12. trapeze

    Brick & Mortar

    I'm going to Houston next month. Just checked and one of the places that I went to about thirty years ago, Danny's Trix & Kix, is still in business. There was another one closer to downtown...can't remember the name...that appears to be gone. Will have to stop in at Danny's and buy a book or two...
  13. trapeze

    Brick & Mortar

    I have lived in the middle of nowhere for almost 25 years. The nearest truly big city is about a four hour drive in one direction and five in the other. I may make it to a metro area perhaps once a year. I think that the last time I visited a brick and mortar magic shop was ten years ago. I know...
  14. trapeze

    How hard is it to perform Juan Tamariz's Lessons in Magic's tricks?

    I haven't seen this video but from the description of it that I read I would say that it is most likely mid to advanced level stuff. If you truly have "average" sleight of hand skill with cards then maybe Tamariz's stuff would be a good challenge for you. Worst case is you learn some good...
  15. trapeze

    Cleaning playingcards

    Rick and Maaz are right. New cards are the ticket. A brick is very convenient if you can afford it. If you can't then buy a two pack of rider backs from Walmart...super cheap.
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