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  • Hey! You contacted me a while ago. I go to Hofstra as well, I just got here, totally be interested in talking sometime. My AIM is RomanaNota =)
    hey man you from nyc?? i saw a video where you saw francis perform was he performing at Fantasma Magic??
    Hey man, I've got a Mac question if you don't mind.

    In your opinion, should I get anti-virus software? I've had my iMac for 6 8 months with no issues and don't think I am virus prone, but didn't know what you thought.

    Thanks man,
    Doubt I'll have the time since I'm already trying to find the time to see my friend Ryan next week and I have finals I have to prepare for. I'll see if I can make it. If not, I'll be sure to see you perform! :D

    I'll do my best to make it down. :)

    Hey. Well my first trip will be more business than free time. That will be next week. So I don't think I'll be available. However, starting in the first week of July, I hope to go to NYC once every week to just hang out, perform, and learn. So any time starting in July. :)

    whats name is robert...looking around to meet some new magicians... How long you been in the art? What field, stage, close-up?
    i no a lot of friend might no like the things , i say im working it out . but it so hard if u can not spell but u read some things ok but not all so i lean from dvds and some books . i no thing that i wright no one can read then but i can . if i was ok with some things i be good as u lot . but . it hard when u can do some thing but not some like spelling this what it like for me all the time. i thing that y a lot can not read me bec the way i am . just of the one hand magic man then you might no what it like for me! so what new
    First off, I'm not a Linkin Park fan and that got me thinking. Consider your target market and if the song is appropriate for a demo aimed at hooking them. Definitely get rid of the cigarette. And those wipes need to go, they look amateurish. Cuts and dissolves are all you need.
    Hey man,

    I saw your video earlier in fact. Looks good.

    Only things I'd consider cutting is the floating cig, etc, as it didn't fit with the rest of the video - The shots of you on stage freaking people out were GREAT. Stick with that!

    All the best,

    Pretty good.
    I'm trying to out together a stage and close-up act.
    What type of magic do you perform?
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