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  • Hi,
    just wanted to tell you how much of an inspiration you are to me, and how much I live your magic. Please don't stop!

    Just wanted to drop by and tell you how much I admire your magic and your attitude towards this art. Keep it up! And hope I can learn more from you in the future =)
    Hey man great video! I dont know if you remember me or not but my name is Blake Vogt and I was in Vegas last summer staying with Tiny and you and I and Alex hung out for a little bit. What are the odds that my video would get posted on theory 11 and then yours right after!? weird. do you ever video chat or chat online? Id love to catch up and see what your up to. Thanks.
    Nice site...really like it.

    May you help me out a little bit, in a month from now I will have a gig, maybe 2 gigs, and was wondering what effects do you normally perform in a walkaround/table-hopping gig?

    I need some more inspiration and any suggestions will help.

    Inferno Kaiser
    You Are A Great performer! Glad to see that me and a few others aren't the only ones doing LIVE Magic lol
    Hey man, thank you so much for the PM. I'm really glad that you enjoy it! More is coming ;)

    -Patrick K.
    hey man,
    you don't know me lol but i have a question.
    I've watched some of your videos and i noticed that you used the from youtube option instead up direct upload.

    I have youtube videos, and i've tried multiple times...but it doesn't seem to work, any suggestions?
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