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  1. R

    I've got collectible Monarchs for sale

    Hello, reply here or email me at to receive photos and a good deal on collectible Monarchs. I have them all except Madison Ave and Pink issue. Also have Dead On Paper Dia De Los Muertos including early autographed edition
  2. R

    Very dry hands

    I may never contribute to the world of magic but, I can help with this. Octopalm? Sure if you want the room to smell like someone burned a hippie to death. I have acutely dry hands. Could be from years of loneliness, but I digress. Here's my fitty cents. Okeef's works as advertised, but...
  3. R

    Confession of magicians

    Fascinated with E. Marlow and his writings, I borrowed Revolutionary Card tech from a friend and could tell he hadn't read it. Anyway, the book is just too much. At some point I thought Jesus Ed, get a life! Did he ever do anything else?
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