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  1. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Oscar Worthy!

    I was waiting for your entry to see what you've come up with this time 😀
  2. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Oscar Worthy!

    Here's my entry, good luck to all:
  3. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Build A Bundle!

    Here's my bundle:
  4. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Which Hand?

    Right Right Right Left Right Left Left
  5. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Luck of the Draw!

    National Playing Cards
  6. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Impossible Snapshot!

    It's Eleven Madison Park. Highly unique and beautiful deck of cards. The card backs are quite minimal (not a bad thing) and the faces have exquisite water color illustrations! Can't recommend enough. I'd say the deck belongs to my top 5 favorite decks 🙂
  7. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Impossible Snapshot!

    There's no better contest to get the creative juices flowing! Good luck everyone. Here's my entry:
  8. L

    Saturday Night Contest: Mystery Deck Challenge!

    Here's my entry for the contest! Good luck everyone!
  9. L

    Big Wheel Keep On Turning.....We Will Keep On Yearning....Oh Yeah!! Rollin...Rollin..Rollin with the Gift Wheel!!!

    I had the same problem! I've tried contacting about it several times during the year. Sometimes I get an answer but it hasn't lead to anything. Email conversation just drops dead. Sometimes there is no answer at all :(
  10. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Variety Box!

    Too many great decks to choose from! Here's my Variety box, good luck everyone:
  11. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Happy Thanksgiving!

    I'm thankful that everyone in my family has stayed healthy (even if the kids are at daycare and school plus life's reeally hectic atm). Financially it's both tough and secure (weird huh). All in all I think the toughest thing is the hurry so that's nice.
  12. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Rarest Deck!

    Hi everyone! Here's one of or the rarest deck that I own. It was nice to use cards after a while!
  13. L

    Saturday Night Contest: Origin of the Joker

    In the world of Cardlandia, there lived a mischievous sprite named Joker. He wasn't like the other cards in the deck—Joker had no number and no suit. Instead, he had a knack for turning the mundane into magical chaos. One day, tired of pranking the same old trees and flowers, Joker decided it...
  14. L

    Saturday Night Contest: Riddle Me This

    With skillful hands and hearts full zest, They carve, they paint, they weave the best. In every craft, their spirit sings, Creating wonders from simple things. Not mass-produced, but lovingly made, Their touch in each design displayed. Who are these masters of their arts and plans? The...
  15. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Where In The World?

    Manila, Philippines
  16. L

    Saturday Night Contest - All Action!

    Hello everyone! I immediately knew what I wanted for the picture, it turned out to be harder to pull off than I expected :D The view through the gun barrel is so iconic I just had to go for it. This unfortunately made it harder for the cardistry move (spin doctor) to shine. Good luck everyone!
  17. L

    Saturday Night Roundtable - Benjamin Budzak (ThoughtCast Magic)!

    1. Do you have a specific pattern/routine when you start creating a new magic trick or is more of a sudden inspiration that starts to evolve? 2. From being an idea, how long did it take for Notarized to become a selling product?
  18. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Beetlejuice Card Match!

    Four of Spades Eight of Hearts Ace of Clubs Five of Clubs
  19. L

    Saturday Night Contest - theory11 Turns 17!

    Happy 17th Anniversary theory11 !! My first contact with theory11 was when I had just started collecting playing cards and my dad bought me black Monarchs. The cards handled great and the tuck was just amazing!!! I had see what other cards were available from them. Got hooked and here I am...
  20. L

    Saturday Night Contest - Luck Of The Draw!

    Hmmn, hard to pick one from the whole collection 😅 I guess I'll go for (changing my mind while typing this) the Elvis deck!
0 Results