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  1. abstract52

    Coin questions

    I have a few questions about coins. First, can CoinOne be performed with quarters? I realize that it was intended for larger coins (half dollars and silver dollars) and larger coins are more visual but quarters might draw less suspicion because they are much more common and it might be...
  2. abstract52

    Impromptu PK

    I know I've been asking a lot of questions lately but here's another one. Which impromptu pk trick is more practical: Energy Bill or Shudder? I've read good reviews on shudder but none on Energy Bill. Dollar bills are more common than cans but they are both readily available. Energy bill seems...
  3. abstract52

    Blister effect question

    I am thinking about getting a Blister effect but only using it for a named number, and every once in a while for a named card (no force). So obviously one that doesn't require a deck. The three that I've heard are good are Third Degree Burn, d+M's, and Branded (how many number choices do you...
  4. abstract52

    On The Spot - Question?

    I'm an intermediate magician (but more on the advanced side with cards). This DVD seems to have some pretty cool impromptu stuff. Is On The Spot worth getting? The things on the DVD that interest me are Ticker Taker, Quick Silver, Open Palm Coins Across, Playful Pickpocketing, maybe Florida...
  5. abstract52

    Improv Help

    Hey everyone. Next week I'm going to Tannen's and I'm going to get a few things. What I'm looking for is stuff with an impromptu, improv feel to it. I'm okay with having a few little gimmicks like digital dissolve or a bent coin or a shell but nothing too extensive or something that requires a...
  6. abstract52

    Psychological Forces

    What is a good phsycological force where you don't need to have the deck you just make the spectator think of the card you want them to? Aren't there some of these in d+M's ONE and in Dee's Anate Simplex Killer? Howw practical/ reliable are these types of forces?
  7. abstract52


    How many effects in d+M's "M" use gimmicks? And are the gimmicks made from uncommon material or stuff just like cards and deck boxes? Are the gimmicks lasting or are they one time only and can most of the effects be instantly repeated?
  8. abstract52

    Shudder Question

    Hey guys I searched other threads, but couldn't find anything to answer my question. Can you do Shudder on the ground? When it was reviewed someone said that it is done at a table but I wasn't sure if it had to be done on a table. Also, can it be done sitting on a bench?
  9. abstract52

    Blood Question?

    Without revealing too much could someone tell me what you need to mark decks with d+M's marking system "Blood". For example could you tell me if you need a certain pen or whatever? Thanks. Also, I'm going to get a d+M product that has a mentalism feel to it. Right now I'm deciding between...
  10. abstract52

    One Card Change - Help

    Hey guys, I want to get a "one card change" to add in to some of my tricks. What I mean is something like d+M's "Delusion", or Apollo's "VCR change" 1 on 1. Where you take a card, set the deck down, secretly change the card and are clean enough to hand the card to your spectator for future...
  11. abstract52

    Thieves! A Watch Steal DVD?

    Hey guys, here's a poll of who would buy a DVD on pickpocketing/watchstealing technique ect (in essence who wants one, possibly with Apollo Robbins?) I personally would get it and it seems that a bunch of others are interested on this site. (I meant to say pickpocket DVD in the title)
  12. abstract52

    DGP 4, 5, and 6?

    Hey guys, quick question if anyone knows: Will Theory 11 be selling Daniel Garcia's Project DVD's 4, 5, and 6 when they come out? That would be cool. I assume so because he is with Theory11 now but I'm not sure because his first three projects were sold at websites such as Ellusionist and Penguin.
  13. abstract52

    VCR Change Question

    Hey guys, I'm thinking about buying this 1 on 1 but I have one quick question. Can you perform the change without the spectator knowing (facedown), and hand them the card which they think is still the first one? Or does the cleanup happen after the card is turned face up?
  14. abstract52

    IT question help

    So I was thinking about getting some more loops because I'm out of them. I'm on Ellusionist and I starting thinking about reels. They have the Tarantula and the Spider Pen available. Are reels practical? If so which one is better of the two mentioned because I've heard that Tarantula gets...
  15. abstract52

    Coins Galore!

    Hey guys what's up? I recently decided to broaden my knowledge and repetiore of coin magic and sleights. I know some basics and have Bullet, Factory Sealed, Sinful, and Benttouchslink where I've learned the majority of the coin stuff I currently know. (I also have Scotch and Soda and the M5.) I...
  16. abstract52

    Nickel Question

    Hey I was just wondering if this so called "nickel flight" is just the ring flight wallet gimmick but with a nickel? If it is and a real nickel is attached it would work good for some nickel in bottle (I'm referring to ones from Ellusionist) routines instead of having to cut the string off a...
  17. abstract52

    AoM review

    So, I was going to post a review of Wayne Houchin's Art of Magic. Then I noticed that the other winner of Wayne's contest already posted one (how ironic), oh well. So here we go. First impressions/ tid-bits: The DVD art is designed by Dan and Dave Buck and Wayne added some stuff. Dana Hocking...
  18. abstract52

    Routine Help

    I'm expanding my close up routine and i want to get a blister effect. On Ellusionist there are two: Branded and Third Degree Burn. Which of those two would you recommend? Also, is there a decent amount of good money magic (bill and coin) in the Art of Astonishment book 1? Also, how is Fraud's...
  19. abstract52

    Card Cheat

    So, I am trying to put together little "routines" of cheating at cards. Not magic related and not like a gambling demonstration. I promise I'm not going to hustle people out of money...So anyway, what are some good "routines" (I guess you could say) of getting into ways to cheat. It's hard to...
  20. abstract52

    Downfall Gone?

    I just checked paper crane and Downfall is no longer on their product list. Does anyone know why?
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