Search results

  1. dansperry

    Sperry/Theory11/Mayne/iTricks - CONTEST

    Hey kiddies, I know a number of you watch my weekly live show on but for those that don't I thought I'd throw in a little plug that the show is every Wednesday at 8pm eastern time at It is an interactive live show with guests, pranks, mischief, and yes there was even...
  2. dansperry

    American Choppers Meets Magic...

    hey guys, don't have much time here just a few min before i gota jump back on the tour bus BUT wanted to drop a line to tell everybody if you're in canada or can somehow get the canadian CBC station you MUST check out champion magician greg frewin's upcoming tv special that's airing december 9th...
  3. dansperry

    The doctor is in...

    Hey guys, if any of you follow I'll be doing the iTricks clinic this Monday so if anybody wants to submit a video that'd be great and if not feel free to tune in for the live video cast...there should be some interesting surprises... email your youtube links to...
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