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  1. trapeze

    Brick & Mortar

    I have lived in the middle of nowhere for almost 25 years. The nearest truly big city is about a four hour drive in one direction and five in the other. I may make it to a metro area perhaps once a year. I think that the last time I visited a brick and mortar magic shop was ten years ago. I know...
  2. trapeze

    Moderator Attention Needed Here For Spam Cleanup

    And by all means, erase my post, too.
  3. trapeze

    1987 Short Film: Penn and Teller's Invisible Thread

    I remember seeing this on Showtime when it came out. It's an odd mix of comedy, magic and satire so, in other words, kind of typical Penn & Teller. Some of you may have seen it before but maybe a few haven't. I liked it for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the "exposure" of what...
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