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  1. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest - Cardistry Con!

    Hey everyone! We hope you all are having a great week! Casey is not here for the weekend as he is currently attending Cardistry-Con 2019 in Portland, Oregon! I will be taking his place as host for this week's contest, and as the title suggests, this is a cardistry based challenge. Your...
  2. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest - Take Two Challenge

    Hey guys, Hope you're all having a great week so far! Just yesterday we released Tycoon Ivory Edition playing cards. They are elegant, regal, and breathtaking; produced in collaboration with Steve Cohen, star of Chamber Magic® at the prestigious Waldorf Astoria in New York City. Tonight, I...
  3. jonraiker

    Penn & Teller - TimesTalk

    Thirty years after their initial New York premiere, Penn and Teller will appear on Broadway in a new show beginning July 7th. The show will feature elements of their Las Vegas act and classics from their original repertoire. In celebration of the Broadway show, The New York Times will be...
  4. jonraiker

    Chan Canasta Art Exhibit

    Steve Cohen, star of Chamber Magic in New York City and co-creator of Tycoon Playing Cards, will be hosting an exclusive exhibition showcasing the paintings of renowned mentalist and magician Chan Canasta. The exhibit will take place on June 28th from 2:00-5:00pm EST at the luxurious Waldorf...
  5. jonraiker

    theory11 Roundtable Discussion - Luke Dancy : Round Two

    This weekend, a surprise guest stopped in at the theory11 headquarters to film an incredible effect that is over nine years in the making. In light of this event, we felt tonight would be the perfect opportunity to host a roundtable discussion with one of the best minds in modern magic - Luke...
  6. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest - Raw and Uncut : Video Contest

    It's been quite a while since our last video contest dedicated solely to the cardists in theory11 land. We thought it was time to put together something unique and creative designed specifically for those who practice and perform cardistry. Tonight, your task is to create an original...
  7. jonraiker

    t11.bulletin - REVOLVER by Kelvin Chow : Now Available

    Kelvin Chow makes his theory11 debut with REVOLVER. In the motion of a guided spin, one playing card visually changes into another... then another, and another, and another - completely under your control. The card never stops moving, and the motion is precise, smooth, and natural. Taught with...
  8. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest - What Magic Means to You

    Earlier this week, we posted a special bulletin asking all of our members to share what the art of magic has done for you, or to you. Specifically, we want to know what effect magic has had on YOU. How has learning magic changed you? How has magic - and how has theory11 specifically - directly...
  9. jonraiker

    theory11 - Saturday Night Contest : Technologically Advanced

    Earlier this week, theory11 had the opportunity to perform at one of the largest technology conferences in the world. Our goal was to demonstrate a piece of magic that was fun, offbeat, memorable, and (most importantly) had a presentation centered around technology. The result was an incredibly...
  10. jonraiker

    theory11 - THE PINKY COUNT with Jason England : Now Available

    Jason England gives detailed instruction on a highly useful utility sleight that enables you to get a break under any number of cards from the top of the deck - the Pinky Count. Learn the history behind the move along with all of the nuances that make it one of the most versatile and...
  11. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest : Anything But a Castle

    Earlier this week, we ran across a feature on a popular architecture and design site showcasing a chair made from 350 decks of playing cards - truly a site to behold. Our contest tonight is inspired by this concept. Don't worry - you don't have to ruin 350 decks to participate! Your task...
  12. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest - Do You Remember?

    The study of mnemonics has served as a constant area of interest and inspiration among magicians and mentalists. The ability of the mind to memorize and recall information at a moment's notice continues to fascinate the general public - it's more real than any piece of magic. Tonight, you will...
  13. jonraiker

    t11.bulletin - The Gambler's Cop / Jason England

    Jason England presents the Gambler's Cop - an essential utility move that enables you to secretly steal away and conceal a playing card. Learn the history behind the sleight, proper positioning, some standard applications, and more in nearly 20 minutes of comprehensive instruction. See the...
  14. jonraiker

    t11.bulletin - David Blaine : Interview Magazine Article

    David Blaine discusses how he got started in magic, various feats of endurance (including new ideas), and swimming with sharks in an article just published by Interview Magazine. One of many notable quotes from the feature: "[Houdini] said if you do something that’s death-defying and you put it...
  15. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest - Tales from the (Mechanic's) Grip

    Telling a story is an integral aspect of performance art. The ability of the magician to present a plot or storyline that draws in his audience is crucial to creating memorable moments of astonishment. Some magicians have taken this as literally as possible - devising complete performance...
  16. jonraiker

    theory11 - Saturday Night Contest : The Video Scavenger Hunt

    Over the past 2 and a half years, theory11 has unveiled over 150 videos - DVD's, playing card previews, and 1-on-1 training videos - each with a preview video to coincide with its release. Tonight, you will use these videos for a different purpose... to hunt. Below you will find 11 facts...
  17. jonraiker

    t11.bulletin - SHINOBI CONTROL by Emran Riaz : Now Available

    Emran Riaz presents a deceptive card control from his personal repertoire called the Shinobi Control. Learn to control any selection to the top of the deck in a fair, natural manner. Emran also teaches a unique force and a sandwich routine utilizing the Shinobi concept. See the preview video...
  18. jonraiker

    t11.SNC - Roundtable Discussion : Behind The Scenes at t11

    Tonight, we host a very special roundtable discussion with two familiar faces here on theory11 - Dan White and Jonathan Bayme. This past week, Dan White was tapped to oversee the production pipeline here at theory11. He's the guy who views your trick submissions before anyone else and we're...
  19. jonraiker

    t11.bulletin - 1-ON-1 SESSIONS : SHUFFLED NOT STIRRED

    Welcome to another edition of our weekly 1-ON-1 SESSIONS. Each week, we will be bringing you three hand picked instructional videos - direct from our 1-on-1 training section - that our team of staff and artists feel will propel your magic forward, in both technique and presentation. The false...
  20. jonraiker

    Saturday Night Contest - Smoke & Mirrors Showdown

    In celebration of the (second) release of Dan and Dave's acclaimed SMOKE&MIRRORS v4 playing cards Monday night at 11:00pm EST - we felt it was proper to host a cardistry competition... with an extremely rare, one of a kind prize. Your task tonight is to create a 30 to 60 second (maximum)...
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