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  1. PatrickKun

    Patrified by Patrick Kun (7 Visual Card Effects)

    Hi guys, I'm proud to announce my latest release entitled Patrified featuring 7 of my working effects. Check out the trailer: Watch each of the studio performances: Seven...
  2. PatrickKun

    Defiance by Mariano Goni

    I remember when I first saw the trailer of this, I was completely fooled of how it works especially that floating cigarette! I think his hookup systems really cancelled a lot of methods that most layman would think of. I am not a thread guy myself but I have to say that I am quite impressed with...
  3. PatrickKun

    Patrick Kun :: Share the "LOVE"

    Ever want to share "LOVE" for those who are far away? Here is one special way. If you like this video, please share to all the one you love. Happy Valentine's day!
  4. PatrickKun

    Precursor :: Patrick Kun + Zach Mueller

    Hey guys, just want to share our latest video we made. Hope you like it.
  5. PatrickKun

    Patrick Kun :: Live Magic at a House Party (2 part

    Hi guys, last weekend I was doing some small gig for a friend and filmed some live stuff. Just thought I'd share with you. Let me know what you think. Thanks! Part 1 Part 2
  6. PatrickKun

    Simple Magic = Powerful Reaction

    Hey guys, I recently shot a new video of my doing basic ACR routine and a card transpo with my presentation on it. Let me know what you guys think. -Patrick Kun
  7. PatrickKun

    Vector (Impromptu Haunted Deck)

    Hey guys, here's my impromptu handling of haunted deck. Let me know what you think. -Patrick Kun
  8. PatrickKun

    Patrick Kun :: Paperless "A collection of sleight of hands done with playing cards. More video on each individual effects coming soon. Stay tuned!" Here is my latest video that I edited. Hope you guys enjoy it.
  9. PatrickKun

    Patrick Kun :: Invisible Hands My take on Traveller plot done stand up with climax. Hope you enjoy! Credits: Larry Jennings Eric Jones Brian Tudor Homer Liwag
  10. PatrickKun

    Halloween Magic 2010 Live It's time for halloween. I decided to be a clown and thought it would be fun to do magic with it although I look extremely ridiculous but it was good time.
  11. PatrickKun

    Editing Final Cut HD Video on Mac?

    I have a 15" MacBook Pro with 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo and 4 GB of ram. I still found, that opening a 1080i video shot from my Canon t2i, very laggy. I'm wondering for those of you who do a lot of HD editing what spec computer do you use? Even a macbook pro can't really HD video. I'm thinking...
  12. PatrickKun

    Canon DSLR 7D or t2i

    For those of you who uses DSLR for filming video, I would like to ask what sort of lens do you guys use? I just purchased t2i and would like to purchase another lens for normal length that has low f for depth of field. Any recommendations?
  13. PatrickKun

    David Casas Promo Video

    Here is a short video I filmed and edited for my friend for his promo video. Check it out, and let me know what you guys think. -Patrick Kun
  14. PatrickKun

    Motion Project - "Life in a Studio"

    LINK: Hey guys, lately I've been learning Adobe After Effects and edited a video for my class project about my design life. I've film my small studio or workspace and had some magic elements involved which I think you guys might enjoy. Please take a...
  15. PatrickKun

    Just remade website kzmagic

    Hi guys, I just remade the whole site for myself featured some of my favorite videos and wallpapers that I made. Please feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. I still want to make the site even better. Thanks! -Patrick Kun
  16. PatrickKun

    Patrick Kun :: Shadow

    Hey guys, here is some vanish I have been working on. Any feedback is welcome. Thanks! -Parickk Kun
  17. PatrickKun

    Patrick K. :: The Ring - Live in Action Here is a live footage of the ring performed during 4th of July, 2009. The angle is not the best but you can still see this routine in action. Hope you like it. Enjoy! -Patrick K.
  18. PatrickKun

    Live Magic Performance - Videos

    Hey guys, here are some of my live performance as a guest speaker in my brother's class. Hope you like it. Any comments are welcome. Enjoy! Sponge Ball: Paper Over Head: -Patrick K.
  19. PatrickKun

    Ending for Ring routine?

    Anybody know any great ring flight out there? I have seen many of them but there are just too many kinds. Also, I like the idea of Interlace but it is just too much work to prep. I like something that can be carry around and used anytime. I have seen the ring box that David Stone performed on...
  20. PatrickKun

    Jumbo Half Dollar Coin?

    Do you guys know any good jumbo coin made? I have bought the cheap one and the chrome one that costs like 20 dollars but for me, it looks way too shiny and not realistic. Are there any good jumbo coin out there that look really realistic? Are johnson jumbo any good? Thanks!
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