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  1. RickEverhart

    Who Is Going To Magifest this weekend in Columbus OH?

    Do we have any members hitting up Magifest this weekend in Columbus? I'll be there with my son. Don't be afraid to say hi to me.
  2. RickEverhart

    Funny or Not So Funny Screw Ups - No Way Out

    So if you perform enough, it's going to happen at some point. Eventually you are going to mess an effect up at a show, event, etc. and there is no out at all. You either laugh it off and move on or hope that you can get yourself out of it. Let's hear them :) I'll start with one from last...
  3. RickEverhart

    Custom Pockets in Suit Coat?

    Does anyone here have any experience at all with a seamstress putting in custom pockets inside their suit coat? Not a topit, I know what that is and that's not what I mean. I'm trying to figure out what material works best and do's and don'ts of having someone stitch some custom pockets in my...
  4. RickEverhart

    Woody Aragon, Anna DeGuzman, Adrian Vaga and More

    If you have never been to a magic convention you are truly missing out on an amazing time. Last weekend I was able to hang out with Woody Aragon, Anna DeGuzman, Adrian Vaga, Nick Lewin, Robert Baxt, Jason Hudy and many more professionals in our art. The Battle of Magicians Convention is held...
  5. RickEverhart

    Cheap Business Card Holder/Protector

    These hard plastic gum containers make great business card holders and protectors for in your gig case, coat pocket or whatever. Obviously there are nice expensive flashy ones out on the market as well as "Out to Dinner" Clips which I use, but when I'm just tossing a bunch in my gig case...this...
  6. RickEverhart

    List of Effects that Leave your Spectator With a Souvenir

    Hey Everyone, I wanted to get a good list going of effects that leave your spectator with a souvenir that they actually keep. These types of effects leave a lasting impression and they are very powerful. Signed cards and Anniversary Walts are common. Stargazer leaves them with a star rubber...
  7. RickEverhart

    Expect the Unexpected! It Can and Will Happen

    Two shows over the weekend and each had a different Surprise for me which we will get into. This thread is not to embarrass myself but more of a "This could be you someday!" Show 1 - Friday Evening (MOVE IT!) I arrive a half hour early to set up for a small stage show for an audience of about...
  8. RickEverhart

    Pics from this Weekend Show

  9. RickEverhart

    "A Night To Shine"

    Last night I had the honor and privilege to entertain guests at a huge event called "A Night To Shine" which is an amazing night of dancing, dinner and fun for teens-adults with disabilities. It had everything from limos to party buses, photo booth, to catered food to caricature artists and...
  10. RickEverhart

    Abraca-DAMMIT by Ben Zabin

    Who actually soiled their pants while performing on a riverboat gig? Which well known star from Vegas actually missed his flight to Japan to board a cruise ship? What do you do when your closing illusion falls off the back of your truck while unloading for the big show? Yikes! Unfortunately, we...
  11. RickEverhart

    Don't Underestimate the Invisible Deck

    Hey Guys, I just wanted to post this because I was out at the bar last night for a friends birthday party. Of course like most of you do...I load my pockets up with my effects just waiting for someone to want to see something...ha ha. I performed many effects flashes...
  12. RickEverhart

    Honest Criss Angel Review from Last Night in Akron, OH

    Last night my wife and I were able to take in Criss Angel's RAW show in Akron, OH. I splurged for the $80 a piece tickets which were about 15 rows back from center stage. Anything in front of that was double the cost and I didn't think it would matter that much (which it didn't). Not much to...
  13. RickEverhart

    This is why I perform!

  14. RickEverhart

    Thank You Theory 11

    I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you to JB and Theory11 for making one of my 4th grade students very happy today. I can't go into details as it is a very sad scenario, but this boy in my classroom and his mother came to my last stage show about two weeks ago. He loves magic and they...
  15. RickEverhart

    Hippity Hop Rabbits Question for you kid performers

    I know how Hippity Hop Rabbits works and have always loved watching good magicians perform it. I am changing up some of my kids material I am wondering what is one of the best versions and quality products made for this effect. Can anyone help or advise me as to which model they prefer and why?
  16. RickEverhart

    Don't forget to have FUN!

    Just a few pics from a gig yesterday for a Realty Company in town. Focus on your spectators and allow them to experience the magic; however you also must allow yourself to enjoy their company and in turn have fun.
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