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  1. S

    Need Some Advice

    Hi guys, I'm at a point where I'd like to take my magic to the next level and begin some performances. I have some good tricks that I have worked on for a while and want to start putting it all together for a performance. I'm just not sure where to start.... in building my performance. If...
  2. S

    MacDonalds Aces - Please Advise

    Hi guys I'm really needing some input in regards to the MacDonalds Aces trick. There are so many versions out there I'm not sure which to buy. Here is a list I am considering... so if anyone has any input on these please reply, it'll be greatly appreciated. Dream of aces Collins...
  3. S

    Deep 3 by Bro Gilbert (DVD and Deck) - DVD

    Just wondering if anyone has this yet and could comment on its worth. Thanks Scott
  4. S

    Australia - Melbourne Magic Shops?

    Just wondering if anyone knows where the magic shop at South Bank is? Not sure of the name or where abouts it is. Thanks Scott.
  5. S

    MacDonalds Aces... Dream of Aces?

    Just wondering I love the effect of MacDonalds Aces and wanted to buy the DVD. I know how the trick works as such, but wanted to find out which would be the better DVD/book to buy. Dream of Aces or MacDonalds Aces. If you suggest MacDonalds Aces could you also say which DVD/book...
  6. S

    Problems with Extreme Burn

    I have extreme burn and its a great effect, however living in Australia I have had problems using Australian currency. Please PM me if you have any thoughts or write them here, without exposure. Thanks Scott.
  7. S

    Rubber Cement Question

    Hi guys, Just a quick question about rubber cement. Does anyone know if I can get this in Australia or is it called something else. If not or if so, where can i get this? Also gaffed coins..... where can I get Australian versions. I've been using USA ones, but of course spectators just...
  8. S

    Magicians Wallet's

    I want to perform the card to wallet routine, but am in need of a good wallet. There are so many out there I'm not sure which to buy. Any suggestions would be appreciated and if I need to use a sleight or not. I know of wallets that say 'no sleight of hand' and the signed card is in the wallet...
  9. S

    Australian Magicians

    I live in Australia, Melbourne and want to go see magicians perform or discuss tricks and see seminars etc. Does anyone know where I can go or what club to join etc. Thanks Scott.
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