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  1. M

    theory11.bulletin - THREE Releases Tonight at 11:00pm EST

    Hopefully Bich's trick will be better and more practical than TNR. They should give everyone who bought this a free download.
  2. M

    Brainstorm - 1 Year in the making...

    Yeah he's complaining about paper not being natural in the woods and all. Well how natural is it to have a deck of cards in the woods? Unless you're camping out, playing poker or something.
  3. M

    Lee Asher's 605 Playing Cards

    Correct me if I'm mistaken but doesn't "imported" usually mean cheap? Made in USA is usually a lot more quality.
  4. M

    Warning Will Robinson! Exposure!

    I did not "come in here blaring all my shiny guns". I posed a simple question and he proceeded to name calling like a child. I merely stated what was on his youtube account. There for the whole world to see. Good for him being a respected member. If respected members get off calling names...
  5. M

    Warning Will Robinson! Exposure!

    Doesn't take a seven year old to figure out someone so easily upset about exposure and then on his youtube site is claiming to "trade all of his secrets away" doesn't make sense. I believe the word is hypocrite. You're right. I guess that is pretty humorus.
  6. M

    Warning Will Robinson! Exposure!

    More stupidity. Coming from the self proclaimed "best magician on youtube" who is "willing to trade all of his secrets".
  7. M

    Warning Will Robinson! Exposure!

    As far as "bearing witness to stupidity", that seems to be all I see which was the whole thing I was talking about. It seems everybody just wanted to take offense to what I was saying rather than taking it for what it was worth. The question was not Why can't we get tricks for free. The...
  8. M

    Warning Will Robinson! Exposure!

    Truth hurts ay (question mark)
  9. M

    Lee Asher's 605 Playing Cards

    I've got lots of nice stuff. I just don't want to buy junk. Thank you very much.
  10. M

    Lee Asher's 605 Playing Cards

    Exactly, Faust. Why spend a ton of money and end up still looking cheap. To me the bikes look fancier than these. Go Mountaineers!! (minus Pat White....craaap!)
  11. M

    Warning Will Robinson! Exposure!

    Why is everyone always whining about "bordering on exposure"? So what? Do you really think every Joe Schmoe is up here reading these forums anyway? No. Why? Because they don't care. Would I go to the women's fashion forums to find out all their secrets? No. Why? Because I don't care. Give it...
  12. M

    Lee Asher's 605 Playing Cards

    Wow. Look. More. Cards. Yippeee! Let me get my wallet. Never mind. They're ugly, and overpriced.
  13. M

    Jerry's Nuggets... So?

    Finally beat it!!
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    Pressure Contest

    I say where's the proof?
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    Pressure Contest

    Sure. That's what I thought.
  16. M

    Pressure Contest

    I guess that answers our question.
  17. M

    Jerry's Nuggets... So?

    If you say so. To me this game plays more like poker. It's kind of hard to finish when most of the time I'm dealt 4 2's, 4 8's. One game I even got stuck after only 4 moves. I've never had trouble playing solitaire before.
  18. M

    Jerry's Nuggets... So?

    Has anybody actually beaten that Jerry's Nuggets solitaire? I've been plaing for 2 weeks now. Doesn't seem winnable!
  19. M

    Jerry's Nuggets... So?

    I'll send you a dollar then.
  20. M

    Jerry's Nuggets... So?

    I am just wondering what is supposed to be the big deal with these Nugget cards? It's certainly not looks. They look cheap. Like the decks they sell at the dollar store. The website description says they were printed up for the casino but never used. Okay. So basically, If I print up a...
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