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  1. Dustrod

    Best version of Play it Straight triumph

    I like the Harapan Ong one a lot. There's a new one in the White Wand Chronicles Vol 2 book that I think I'll be using in the future.
  2. Dustrod

    Double Cross By Mark Southworth

    If you like the idea of making an X jump from your hand to someone else's, it's probably the right effect for you. It's easy enough to use. I like it. It's used by lots and lots of magicians.
  3. Dustrod

    Quick Thinkin' and a Bit Of Luck

    Haha! I have no idea how it got there. It was just a lose non-gimmicked Joker in the deck and I have no recollection of putting it in there.
  4. Dustrod

    Quick Thinkin' and a Bit Of Luck

    Upper Management at my job called my desk, joking that they keep hearing that I "do magic" but they'd never seen me perform anything and they felt left out. I told them to think of a card in their mind and I'd be right up to show them something. I was WAY out of practice but I grabbed a deck out...
  5. Dustrod

    My fellow Theory11 forum!! (Update on the Ladder)

    Lookin' good Gabriel!
  6. Dustrod

    Best card tricks

    The best ones I've been performing and I consider my favorites are specific effects you'd need the books or videos to learn but here they are. The Magicians by David Regal - (impromptu) Twilight Zone by Mike Powers (set up) Royal Jazz Quartet by David Regal (set up) Impossible versus Improbable...
  7. Dustrod

    Do you know this card trick?

    This isn't the one you're looking for because it's from a newer book but if you're' looking for another really cool mathematical principal that can be used for a similar effect, Mike Powers has a really cool effect in Tesseract where the deck is cut 4 times and the top card of each packet is...
  8. Dustrod

    The desire to teach

    Reminds me of something I was told by someone who has been a leading name in the business for a few decades now. It stuck with me and I recall it every time I'm tempted to buy a new book or download... He said that it seems back in his day when a Magician or Mentalist would put out a book, it'd...
  9. Dustrod

    If you believe in Psychics

    1. I agree with WitchDocIsIn. I've personally found if you get into Mentalism long enough you'll stumble into Cold Readings and once you go down that rabbit hole you'll discover the the stuff that borders on psychic readings. 2. The ethical line for this varies from person to person. For some...
  10. Dustrod

    A challenge of sorts

    Thanks for the advice. I'm in the very early stages of learning the basics of readings.
  11. Dustrod

    A challenge of sorts

    I misread that. Let me fix my answer... I'd start with Banachek's' This & That. Ben Seidman's Oracle is nice when there's a couple people present because you can do it differently each time. And it's one of those that if you do it right, you can stretch it out bit and it'll be that more...
  12. Dustrod

    A challenge of sorts

    Ben Seidman's Oracle is nice when there's a couple people present because you can do it differently each time. And it's one of those that if you do it right, you can stretch it out bit and it'll be that more personal and amazing. If that's your style.
  13. Dustrod

    Need Book Recommendations

    He did! In fact we hit up a magic shop and he bought a Lee Earle book while I bought his book. He personalized and signed it for me.
  14. Dustrod

    Need Book Recommendations

    I can't say enough about the Rubinstein book and Jennings Takes it Easy although Eugene Burger's Final Secrets is high on my want list. I hear it's really good! I've also heard lots of praise for John Carney's Sleights & Insights which I own but have not read yet. I should add this about...
  15. Dustrod

    Ninja+ on Penn & Teller Fool Us!

    That was amazing!
  16. Dustrod

    Urgently need to fin who came up with the 7 principles of magic theory

    I could be wrong but I thought first was Dariel Fitzkee
  17. Dustrod

    How do you deal with audience challenging you?

    I think you had the right idea of having another mind reading effect ready to go. If they want to see it again they might not be completely fooled or it might have happened too quick and they need one more effect to seal the deal, so having one ready I think is the ticket. Although, maybe the...
  18. Dustrod

    All the necessary card techniques and handling!

    Counts, Cuts, Moves and Subtleties by Jerry Mentzer is another inexpensive book that lays out many moves for you. There's a lot of moves you'll never use (but can still be fun to learn). I took notes on moves I was learning as I came across them and organized them by what the move did and...
  19. Dustrod

    Card Magic Beginner

    I agree with everything said above and just for the heck of it I'll add... I feel that the better you get, the less you care about labels like beginner, intermediate, etc. 2 years ago I was trying so hard to get to what I felt was the next level and the funny thing is, when I got there I didn't...
  20. Dustrod

    Up The Ladder (Theory Rocks)

    Very nice
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