Search results

  1. Aceproduction

    Saturday Night Contest - White Monarch Turnover

    None of them are from white Monarchs
  2. Aceproduction

    Saturday Night Contest - A Shuffled Chaos

    Top: 10 of Hearts Bottom: 10 of Spades
  3. Aceproduction

    Saturday Night Contest - Fresh Water
  4. Aceproduction

    Saturday Night Contest - Fresh Water

    Please use this submission. The quality of the 1st one was difficult to see.
  5. Aceproduction

    Saturday Night Contest - Fresh Water

    Please ignore or delete this post. I'm new at posting videos and the quality is horrible. I resubmitted a video entry for the contest.
  6. Aceproduction

    What decks have you been using lately?

    Deck One seems to be the one that ends up in my pocket lately when I leave the house. I love the industrial look of them. Sentinels are on my nightstand for evening knuckle busting before drifting off to sleep.
  7. Aceproduction

    Tips for 'windows'?

    I have window's as well. Just don't ever wash your hands so the windows become filthy obscuring the view through. Actually, what works for me is to bend my pinky ever so slightly behind my ring finger which closes all the windows while still giving my hand a natural relaxed look (and people...
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