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  1. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Card Match!

    8 of Hearts 2 of Spades J of Diamonds 7 of Hearts
  2. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Fall In Love

    I have got two first loves with magic. The first one was when I experienced it for the first time. A friend of mine did a mind reading routine on me with a forced card and I was dazzled. I felt in love with the feeling and started practicing like crazy - reading books, watching dvds and so on...
  3. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Christmas Card Match!

    Red : 3 of Clubs Green : 6 of Spades Red : 5 of Hearts Green : J of Diamonds
  4. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Which Hand?

    Right Left Left Right Left Left Right
  5. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Roundtable - Benjamin Budzak (ThoughtCast Magic)!

    What is your worst experience performing and how did you overcome it?
  6. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - theory11 Turns 17!

    Happy birthday! I found about T11 from YouTube and the show that Zach and Christen did Exposè.
  7. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Superman Card Match!

    3 of Clubs J of Hearts 8 of Clubs 7 of Spades
  8. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - May the 4th Be With You!

    Light Side : 3 of Clubs Dark Side : 8 of Hearts Light Side : 4 of Clubs Dark Side : 6 of Diamonds
  9. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - The Masters

    Winner Morikawa Score -8
  10. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Fool Us!

    Hey, guys! Well this isn't really meant to fool you. I am not a performer, but a move monkey. Its a routine I have been practicing for a while and I wanted to share it with you. Some of the moves are very inspiring so..credits go to Danny Garcia and (I belive) Patrick Kun. Have a great...
  11. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Luck of the Draw!

    Stranger things! 😍
  12. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Which Hand?

    Left Right Right Right Left Left Left
  13. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Most Desired!

    I'd have to pick the OG Jerry Nugget deck.
  14. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - TMNT Card Match!

    3 of Clubs 6 of Diamonds 8 of Clubs 10 of Spades
  15. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Build A Bundle!

    Here is what I'd like 😍🙌
  16. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Resolutions for 2024!

    Hey, guys! I wish you all that you celebrate with your closed ones and have a great time! 2023 for me wasn't a really successful year in terms of personal achievements with tricks/cardistry. I did manage to collect a lot of deck, though. But that's not really something of importance. I wish...
  17. Nikolay Karagyozov

    Saturday Night Contest - Christmas Card Match!

    Red : 3 of Clubs Green : 8 of Diamonds Red : 9 of Hearts Green : Q of Diamonds
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