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  1. C

    ACAAN - Your favourite version/Best version

    Also isn't stuff by Tomasso Guglielmi any good? Such as his Beyond Reloaded effect: It sounds pretty good, is it actually worth it? Just wondering. What about some other stuff by him. Are they any good?
  2. C

    ACAAN - Your favourite version/Best version

    CAANDY is a CAAN, as far as my info goes. Is it that good tho?
  3. C

    ACAAN - Your favourite version/Best version

    True that. Idc if YAMFACAAN is hands on. Many people try to find the perfect ACAAN, however if you're a good performer a layman won't realize the difference between a hands off ACAAN and a good hands on ACAAN, namely YAMFACAAN. People want the perfect ACAAN for Magician's only. Magician's can...
  4. C

    ACAAN - Your favourite version/Best version

    For CAAN I prefer Think by Shin Lim, because it's very similar to The Grail, but it's even better. Think is hands off, unlike The Grail. Nevertheless, both are awesome effects. I love method 3 to perform Think, because again it's hands off, AND it uses no duplicates or gimmicks. For OP my...
  5. C

    ACAAN - Your favourite version/Best version

    Hi all. I wanted to ask what is your favourite/best ACAAN version? Or your top 5 or 3 ACAAN versions? Mine are: 1. YAMFACAAN 2. Barrie Richardson's ICAAN 3. Subtle Scam by Tommaso Guglielmi Again these are my preferred ACAAN's. P.S. If you want you can share your opinions on...
  6. C

    My name is ethan!

    Hey welcome! We are both new around here :)
  7. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    Ok fine I'll study more, and talk less. But I want to clarify for the final time that I am no troll. Please understand that.
  8. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    I already have many PDFs. Some include: Ken Weber- Maximum Entertainment Corinda- 13 Steps to Mentalism Bobo- Coin Magic Juan Tamariz- Mnemonica Barrie Richardson- Theatre in mind Barrie Richardson- Impromptu CAAN Manuscript And I also have many PDFs by Derren Brown, Banachek, etc. In total I...
  9. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    Yes I follow Islam. So I guess I'm screwed over. Ignoring that, let us talk about my area of focus, "Being a better performer" :) Cheers, CardTrickster :D
  10. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    Yes I know, and I'm very happy. I need help in being a better performer. Specifically, improving my presentation skills, performance style, and entertainment value. And I need help in improving my audience management skills.
  11. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    Thank you very much William. No one seems to even give me a chance. C'mon guys just give me a chance to prove myself. Instead some of you keep calling me a troll. If you say I've been trying to prove myself NOT to be a troll for 5 pages... Then you know what, you have been trying to prove that I...
  12. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    I assure you I'm genuine. I am no troll. I am here to learn, not waste your time. I'm serious for what I do, that's why I'm here :) I understand your reasoning. It's ok. Cheers, CardTrickster :D
  13. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    Guys what do you mean? I only said that I am learning. I'm praising this community. I'm saying that I'm glad to be a member here. Idc what you think of me, I was only sharing what I think of you guys. I don't know why you have to be so negative about this? You don't know me and you are saying...
  14. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    Thank you. I'm glad myself, I made the step to join this forum, because I learned a whole lot already. Such as "Never give up, and always try your best", and "Don't use illegal material". Again thank you very much guys, :) Cheers, CardTrickster :D
  15. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    Ok I'm sorry. I'll listen more and talk less. Happy :D Cheers, CardTrickster
  16. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    Yes I kinda hide, and do it. No BS believe it or not. For the decks, I have 3 as I won them in games, etc. My parents didn't buy me the decks, I had to go get them myself (For ex. Winning them etc.). And yes I want to become a real magician, that's why I'm here. Also I have Bobo's Modern Coin...
  17. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    It's not the school problem. It's different. Long story short: In our religion gambling is frowned upon, and anything related to gambling is also frowned upon. As we know "Cards" are the pet prop in gambling. Therefore cards are apparently frowned upon too. So that's why my parents won't let...
  18. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    I guess, so that's why I use pirated material, I have no choice.
  19. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    At our libraries we only have a small handful of useful material. My parents don't want me to perform Magic, so they won't buy me anything related to Magic :(
  20. C

    Introducing CardTrickster!

    I am 14, so I can't afford buying props, books, and gimmicks. That's why I use pirated material. I am sorry for that reason :(
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