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    Saturday Night Contest - JAQK Prediction

    Jack of Spaces 3 of Hearts
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    Saturday Night Contest - Card Art

    Here's my entry! I figured I would do something other than cutting cards. (Even though I had to cut a part of it to do what I wanted to...)
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    Saturday Night Contest - Capturing Cardistry Fans everywhere!
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    Saturday Night Contest - Game of BlackJAQK

    5 of Spades 8 of Spades 8 of Diamonds
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    Saturday Night Contest - Game of BlackJAQK

    6 of clubs 5 of diamonds King of Hearts
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    Saturday Night Contest - Game of BlackJAQK

    7 of diamonds Jack of spades 4 of hearts
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    Saturday Night Contest - Rarebit Card Lottery

    1-9 of Diamonds 2-10 of Hearts -or- 1-5 of Hearts 2-Queen of Spades
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