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  1. Ineski

    The original "365 project" :: 52 Times A Week

    WE ARE DONE! The project is finally succesfully completed! P.S. I'll get back to you about the party.
  2. Ineski

    The original "365 project" :: 52 Times A Week

    Thanks! We're currently at number 50. Only two more videos and this project will be complete! Party at my place then. Everybody's invited.
  3. Ineski

    The original "365 project" :: 52 Times A Week

    Only five videos remaining! Soon it will all be over and then it will be the time to have a look behind the scenes ;) Check the new video "Taivex" which is probably the most straightforward version of "Out Of This World" at
  4. Ineski

    The original "365 project" :: 52 Times A Week

    Still going. Currently at number 41. There's some original sleights, changes, controls, and lots of other good stuff for you to see. Check them out!
  5. Ineski

    The original "365 project" :: 52 Times A Week

    Thanks! Many people seem to rush into releasing material without perfecting it and without actually doing it in the real world. I don't want to be one of those people. If the trick is not really good, then it's not worth releasing. I might release something in the near future, but at the...
  6. Ineski

    The original "365 project" :: 52 Times A Week

    Thanks for the support guys! New video is up again. We're at number 32 now! This one is a transposition effect using ONLY two cards. No duplicates, no extras, any two cards will do. They don't even have to be playing cards. And it's visual. Check out "Conversion"...
  7. Ineski

    The original "365 project" :: 52 Times A Week

    The original "yearlong magic video project" has now been running for over 30 weeks! Starting at August 10th of 2010, the project was first of its kind and still remains unique. The idea was to create one complete routine every week, and it had to be something that the magic world hadn't seen...
  8. Ineski

    Coming Up With Original Card Magic

    In August 10th 2010 I started a project where I would shoot a new card magic video every week. The effects and the handlings would have to be something that people haven't seen before and I would try to shoot most of the videos in front of a live audience. This project would last for a year and...
  9. Ineski

    13 original videos!

    In August 10th 2010 I started a project where I decided to shoot a new card magic video every week. This project would last for a year and in the end there would be a total of 52 videos - just like there is 52 cards in the deck. At the moment there are 13 videos, so we have gone through the...
  10. Ineski

    52 Times a Week: a year-long challenge

    I came up with this challenge to keep myself working on something new all the time and to push my creativity to the edge. Here's the idea: I will post a card magic related video every week for the next 12 months. That will make a total of 52 videos - just like there is 52 cards in a deck of...
  11. Ineski

    Help with Triple Coincidencia

    It can be found in Sonata by Juan Tamariz under the title Total Coincidence. The book is out of print, but you can probably get it from ebay or from a well suplied book dealer.
  12. Ineski

    Essential Reading on Presentation

    Some amazing titles that have not been mentioned: -The Magic of Ascanio: The Structural Conception of Magic (Arturo de Ascanio) -The Magic Way (Juan Tamariz) -The Five Points In Magic (Juan Tamariz) -Absolute Magic (Derren Brown)
  13. Ineski

    When you know your getting good at magic...

    When you think you're getting good, you suck the most.
  14. Ineski

    The Morals of "Figuring Out"

    I believe I have made some valid points. Like when you see someone do something it doesn't mean that you have a right to start doing the same thing with same jokes and lines even if you already know how the trick works. I've also said that figuring out tricks from watching a video is easy and...
  15. Ineski

    The Morals of "Figuring Out"

    I suggest you actually reading what is written there and not interpreting it into something else. Nowhere do I say that you couldn't perform a trick you've bought.
  16. Ineski

    The Morals of "Figuring Out"

    Do that. And make sure they are for real actual paid live performances and not just jamming around a camp fire. Once again, when have I ever said that you couldn't use a trick you've bought?
  17. Ineski

    The Morals of "Figuring Out"

    When have I ever said that? No that's not correct.
  18. Ineski

    The Morals of "Figuring Out"

    We are talking about real bands actually performing for people, not just some random jamming around a camp fire. They have to pay for playing copyrighted songs. Usually the event organizer takes care of the rights when they hire the band, but the artists get paid for other people playing their...
  19. Ineski

    The Morals of "Figuring Out"

    So is that a no? And I'm not acting that it is special as I know it isn't. You're the one who brought it up.
  20. Ineski

    The Morals of "Figuring Out"

    Appearantly it is not very familiar to you either. They actually pay for the rights to get to play those songs. In magic this doesn't happen. Yeah, you can clearly see that I've grown up quite a bit in two years. My views have changed dramatically on other things too. Now can I throw a low...
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