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  1. GOB

    Card revelation help!!!

    You really think the guy in the $7000 suit is here to play "go fish" with you forum people? COME ON!!! Hey, anyone here know how to contact the Magic Cafe and get them to let you be the guest of honor?
  2. GOB

    Card revelation help!!!

    I don't know what any of that means.
  3. GOB

    Card revelation help!!!

    I don't understand what you've just said.
  4. GOB

    Card revelation help!!!

    I don't understand what you've just said.
  5. GOB

    Card revelation help!!!

    I'm working on something where my volunteer picks a card, and it appears on my chest. I paint a Q over one nipple, and then a diamond on the other, then just rip my shirt off. I'm aiming to have this ready by spring break. Problem is, when I was practicing this (I got my nephew to help me), when...
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