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  1. T

    What is your favorite John Bannon effect?

    I love AK-47. I believe it's in a couple of his books and also on video.
  2. T

    Magic Deck Review - CC Club Playing Cards by Conjuror Community

    This has to be one of the most successful playing card kickstarters ever! A goal of $5,000 that brought in $142,543. Just received my cards in the mail this weekend -- very nice. I'm looking forward to the online training!
  3. T

    What's the best trick in Royal Road?

    Just tried Mentalivity... that is a great trick!
  4. T

    Mnemonica stack help

    I used some of Juan's methods from Mnemonica, combined with these apps:
  5. T

    Best Books On Magic Presentation Only

    The Five Points of Magic by Juan Tamariz. It's a short but valuable read! Thanks David for posting your review of my book! You can find additional reader feedback here. along with the Erudite Magic review:
  6. T

    3m remount? SuperCards R.S.

    Doesn't he now suggest using a repositionable glue stick? Do they work just as well?
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