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  1. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Return of the Holiday Wheel!

    The signed NPH deck would make an AWESOME gift for my little brother, who's been a huge How I Met Your Mother fan since!
  2. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Favorite!

    Because of the way I was absolutely blown away by his card magic abilities when I first watched The Devil Picture Book, Derren Brow has always been an inspiration of mine... Therefore I think that, because of that, the The Derren Brown deck is my absolute favorite deck !
  3. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Card Collection!

    Here is my collection... Good luck everybody 🤗
  4. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Create A Trick!

    Really like dat shoot out move from the spread,pretty neat 'n flashy 👍 👏
  5. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Card Lotto!

    Card 1 : King of Spades Card 2 : King of Hearts Card 1 : Queen of Clubs Card 2 : 3 of Clubs
  6. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Coin Toss!

    Tails Tails Heads Heads Tails Heads
  7. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Card Collection!

    My collection... ... still growing hopefully 🤞
  8. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Variety Box!

    Good luck to everybody 🤞🍀
  9. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Where In The World?

    Skógafoss, Iceland
  10. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Luck of the Draw!

    Dune here too, they looks simply stunning...
  11. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Memorial Day

    10 of Clubs 4 of Diamonds 8 of Spades 3 of Hearts
  12. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Guess The Cards!

    Card 1: 9 of Spades Card 2: Queen of Diamonds Card 1: King of Clubs Card 2: 3 of Hearts
  13. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Variety Box!

  14. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Coin Toss!

    Heads Heads Heads Tails Tails Heads
  15. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Card Lotto!

    Card 1 : 7 of Spades Card 2 : 10 of Spades Card 1 : 2 of Clubs Card 2 : 7 of Diamonds
  16. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Christmas Card Lotto!

    Red : queen of Diamonds Green : 2 of hearts Red : 3 of Diamonds Green : Ace of Diamonds
  17. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Card Collection!

    So far here's what i got ! 🤩
  18. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Come Together!

    Card 1 : 3 of Hearts Card 2 : 7 of Spades Card 1 : 4 of Hearts Card 2 : King of Clubs
  19. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - What Is It?

    I'll go for a Beatles deck, Abbey Road obviously 😉
  20. GOWa$$

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Rarest Deck

    Hi there everyone, here's my entry: Rarest deck I own. Only 200 hundreds of these have ever been printed and made available by underground cardshark named Igor, back in the early 2000's. Shot in the jaws of a 5ft3 paper shark...
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