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  1. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Stop Motion

    Didn't have the time to film, so here's one I made a while ago.
  2. M

    Lets Bring It Back!

    I can't enter, just says "Connecting.." after I accept all the webcam and microphone stuff :( PS: My internet works fine
  3. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Something Special

    [img=] In this picture you can see not one but many important things for me. The first one you might see it's the book, "Cartomagia fundamental", by Vicente Canuto. It's the first serious magic book I had, and got me to start practicing magic. I...
  4. M

    Saturday Night Contest - theory11 awards

    Jason England Zach Mueller Zach Mueller
  5. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Master of Deception

    Great, simple trick. Luck to all! (and to me :D )
  6. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Faking The Code

    I feel sad for the childs that search for the revelation :D
  7. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Super Bowl XLVIII

    First of all, I find this contest quite unfair for Europe and mainly everything that isn?t USA. At least here in Spain we have no idea about the super bowl or which are the best teams to bet for.? Second, here are my random teams picked from the ones above and some random numbers :D Broncos...
  8. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Deception With a Dollar!

    Good entries this week. Good luck everyone!
  9. M

    Saturday Night Contest - King of the Vine

    Sorry for posting at youtube :(
  10. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Holiday Magic 2013

    A simple and flashy trick :D
  11. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Putting It All Together

    Here's my entry: (sorry for my english and lack of smoothness) Luck to all! (and to me! :D)
  12. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Dimitri Arleri Roundtable

    Which is your favourite deck? The standard one? How much time did you need for creating this DVD? How do you create flourishes? Working hard or they just come to you?
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  14. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Pasteboard Mentalism

    Here is my video, an original effect I like to call "Hypnotist Joker": Sorry for my english and bad editing. Hope you like it!
  15. M

    Saturday Night Contest - Pasteboard Mentalism

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