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  1. C

    Saturday Night Contest - Something Special

    In 2010, on May 14th, my wife gave birth to our first, a miracle. A fighter to say the least. He came in at 5 pounds 14 oz. and was born premature. His name is Owen. According to the doctors, my wife was supposed to have a miscarriage at least two times during the pregnancy. This was the third...
  2. C

    Saturday Night Contest - theory11 awards

    1. Spidey 2. Zach Mueller 3. Calen Morelli
  3. C

    Saturday Night Contest - Game of BlackJAQK

    Ace of spades kind of hearts jack of clubs
  4. C

    Saturday Night Contest - Game of BlackJAQK

    5 of clubs 10 of hearts 6 of diamonds
  5. C

    Saturday Night Contest - Game of BlackJAQK

    ace of spades 3 of diamonds 7 of clubs
  6. C

    Saturday Night Contest - Defying Gravity

    Defying gravity to find selected card Here is my entry. Defying gravity to find the selected card
  7. C

    Calen Morelli Card production

    I have been trying to figure it out too. I have asked him if he has published it or has any plans to publish but he never has responded
  8. C

    Saturday Night Contest - Demonstration of the Mind

    Here is an ACAAN (any card at any number) effect I did. This version I learned from Matthew Johnson
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