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  1. Sheldon Atlas

    Saturday Night Contest - Celebrating Copperfield!

    My favorite has always been his Berlin Wall trick (thats what ive always called it) his prediction trick on the brick wall. I have always had a soft spot for predictions as I love mentalism. And those types of predictions like writing a tweet with the audience, I really love those predictions...
  2. Sheldon Atlas

    Saturday Night Contest - Year in Review

    My Biggest Accomplishment this year was opening for a friend of mine who is a musician, I got an article in the paper and I have been studying mentalism for as long as I have practiced magic. and I ended my show with some psychological tricks and tests, And I ended by trying to put someone into...
  3. Sheldon Atlas

    Mentalist Stage Show

    Thanks Luis. I have done small shows before, and my last one where I performed hypnosis for the first time. everyone was truely amazed at what I did! so if I actually gave my subject suggestions i could strech it out to about 10 minutes. But yeah I do have experience but even more experience is...
  4. Sheldon Atlas

    Mentalist Stage Show

    Yeah, I have been watching Derren Brown and Keith Barry. studying what they do and how I could do something different. I have been studying mentalism/hypnosis/body language since I started magic (12 years now). with my illusions i always try to add a mentalism twist to it. so it looks like i...
  5. Sheldon Atlas

    Mentalist Stage Show

    I am preparing a stage show focused on mentalism like Derren Brown and Keith Barry. I am wondering do you guys have any tips and or tricks to making a show like this? perhaps a few psychological routines i should check out to get inspiration for my show?
  6. Sheldon Atlas

    Stage Name

    Thanks timsilva :) Yeah I would use my real name but I took the name Sheldon Atlas after I saw the now you see me movie. I took J. Daniel Atlas's last name and since then it's kind of stuck, People have started calling me Sheldon Atlas or just Atlas. and I think because allot of people know me...
  7. Sheldon Atlas

    Stage Name

    So would I have to do a DBA even if I am not making it a buisness. like if I was just using it as a name not the name of my buisness
  8. Sheldon Atlas

    Children's Magic

    I have done mentalism on kids and their reactions were great. the responded just as much as an adult would, maybe more so. but of course it would depend on the age of the kids.
  9. Sheldon Atlas

    Stage Name

    So I cant just take up a stage name by it self? I have to make it legal?
  10. Sheldon Atlas

    Children's Magic

    Maybe just really visual magic, like a color card change.
  11. Sheldon Atlas

    Stage Name

    Well I want a stage name because I want to be unique and easy to remember. I don't want something hard so people don't go "oh and that magician...whats his name?" I am close to turning pro and I want a name that would be recognizable to me. something unique for me.
  12. Sheldon Atlas

    Stage Name

    My name is Sheldon Aden, I used to have it as Sheldon Atlas and am going by Atlas at the moment. But I am working on a magic special and I was wondering how I should go about choosing the perfect stage name.
  13. Sheldon Atlas

    Saturday Night Contest - Under Control

    as long as it is in one min you are allowed to do any control, as long as the ace starts on top and ends on top
  14. Sheldon Atlas

    Saturday Night Contest - Under Control

    Here is my entry: I know I wont win, this is my first time entering a t11 contest, but I hope I did good and goodluck to everyone!
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