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  1. G

    Good controls

    Hi guys, I am a magician and I am interested in a good way to control cards from the middle to the top etc. Also, do you guys think a pass or a shift is much better, in real performances. Tips on the pass and how to make it invisible is also much appreciated.
  2. G

    Saturday Night Contest - Lost and Found

    Teach me man, that was the coolest **** I've ever seen, if you don't want to reveal it, can you just tell me whether you really placed the ace in the middle of the pack?
  3. G

    Saturday Night Contest - Something Special

    I live in a country whereby Bicycle cards are hard to get, you had to go to a magic store or go online to buy them. Both which are rather expensive due to shipping fees etc. Unlike in the USA, all you need to do is to walk in to 7-11 and get a normal deck of bicycle playing cards for like bucks...
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