
  1. JoJoThePro

    Archive Update?

    Hi guys! I was wondering if anyone knew how often does the archive get updated (new items getting added)? Also, if you have ever gotten anything from the archive, what is the best thing you have redeemed? Thanks
  2. A

    Archive // On what to spend 1750 Elite points

    Hey everyone, as you my all read from the title, I have 1750 Elite points left to spend on someting, but I don't know what is the best thing to get for that. I got my Rarebit deck from Archive, and my friend gave me his account with 1750 points, but all the wristbands are sold out. If you have...
  3. Khaleel Olaiky

    Questions about the archive...

    1-Is it free shipping when you get something from the archive? 2-I'm just curious why the Rarebit Copper Edition stays there for a long time, a lot in stock? or nobody want it? I mean the Blue JAQK stays there only for few days.
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