
  1. JoJoThePro

    I started a Magic and Cardistry Club at School. What should I teach/do?

    Hi guys, I recently started a magic club at my high school, and I am not sure what to teach or do at the club. I started teaching a few basic coin tricks, and kid tricks, like removing thumb, french drop, etc, but I am running out of things to teach and do at the club. The members do not have...
  2. The Budding Artist

    Palm Mastery

    Hello! I want to create the largest list of palms and I need your help. Below is a list of palms: Gamblers Cop Rear Palm Tenkai Palm Lateral Palm Classic Palm Pink clip Back Palm Longitudinal Palm If you know of another Palm, could you post below? You don’t have to reveal it, but it...
  3. M

    What should I read to get better?

    Hello everyone! I´m fairly new at this whole world (around two months, I think), but I absolutely love it. I´ve just finished the Royal Road to Card Magic (still practicing every single trick though) and right now I´m just learning some tricks from YouTube. I´d like to read more books on card...
  4. Scodischarge

    Beginner Coin Magic

    Hi guys, Up 'til now I've only done card sleight of hand, but I'm quite interested in starting coin magic as well. A few days ago I stumbled upon Vanishing Inc.'s "Innocent", which teaches 7 coin routines and 22 techniques for £12. Can anybody tell me anything about it? Is it good for a beginner...
  5. M

    Amateur to beginner again

    Hello magic community, I was wondering if anyone can put me on a good path to magic. I started really getting into magic when I was in high school. I ended up loving it and then continued to learn and practice more as I went to undergrad. After college I started to not practice as much and...

    What Next?

    Hey there, it's me, Adrian. So I had been practicing cardistry for some weeks now and I have already learned the werm, charlier cut, 5 faces of sybil, false sybil (52 Kards), the werm, triangle cut, and the spring. I just want to know what moves should I learn next. I would appreciate the help:D

    Help a Begginer

    Hey Guys!!! My name is Adrian, 12 years old, and I have developed an intererest in cardistry a couple of days ago. I have already learned some basic flourishes including: the basic grips, 5 faces of sybil, 3 packet cut, swing cut, spring, table spread, one-handed fan, and the thumb fan. I...
  8. PatrickTrujillo

    Phantom by Spidey

    Hello guys, I purchased Phantom by Spidey and I gotta say it is an awesome trick, my only concern is, what happens if the spectator remembers a card that is visible when fanning?
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