begginer tricks

  1. JoJoThePro

    I started a Magic and Cardistry Club at School. What should I teach/do?

    Hi guys, I recently started a magic club at my high school, and I am not sure what to teach or do at the club. I started teaching a few basic coin tricks, and kid tricks, like removing thumb, french drop, etc, but I am running out of things to teach and do at the club. The members do not have...
  2. Quinn22101

    An Introduction To Card Magic

    Hi Everyone, I am very new to card magic. I am 16 and I started card magic about a month ago. I was always fascinated by magic as a kid and would love some help from people with experience on this forum. I am getting "The Royal Road to Card Magic" I am also looking heavily into getting "The...
  3. PatrickTrujillo

    Phantom by Spidey

    Hello guys, I purchased Phantom by Spidey and I gotta say it is an awesome trick, my only concern is, what happens if the spectator remembers a card that is visible when fanning?
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