
  1. Antonio Diavolo

    Which deck should I pick as my next every day carry?

    Hello everyone! I just realized that I'm down to my last few decks of Bicycle Elites, which have been my every day carry deck for the past couple years. Normally, I'd just order a new deck but for whatever reason, I've been considering getting a brick of Phoenixes instead. I have owned...
  2. R

    I weighed and measured two different kinds of (best deck ever) crushed Bicycle decks from Penguin

    I was curious how much of a difference "crushed stock" made, so I conducted a little science experiment. I ordered some different decks of Bicycle cards from Penguin. They are promoting two different red/blue crushed stock decks as being the greatest bicycle cards ever. The descriptions are...
  3. K

    New Here, got a question about a Bicycle Deck

    Hi everyone, I recently bought a Standard 808 Bicycle Deck, but I noticed it didn't have a Guarantee Joker, only a color and a B&W joker, I'm quite sure it's genuine, but that seems odd, is it maybe because i bought it outside the US, or is it something else? Thanks
  4. M

    Bocopo gaff deck

    I don't know if it belongs here but I wondered what the differences between the bicycle bocopo gaff v1 and v2 are.
  5. Hellish_pn

    What is the name of this move?!

    Hi guys i wanna know what is the name of this move?!
  6. M

    When do I get a new deck?

    Hey everyone. I've recently been exploring the wonderful and exciting world of cardistry. I'm getting my feet wet and learning some basic core skills..basic cuts and shuffles, grips and fans. And I really enjoy this so far. Something very cool and yes, sometimes very frustrating too. But...
  7. V

    Tally Ho Vs Bicycle

    Hey guys, So I am a beginner to Cardistry, and from what I've gathered, people seem to generally like Tally Ho's better compared to bicycles. But from were I come from, cards are not as readily available, so is it worth it to buy a brick of Tally Hos if it will cost me twice as much as buying a...
  8. V

    Tally Ho Vs Bicycle

    Hey guys, So I am a beginner to Cardistry, and from what I've gathered, people seem to generally like Tally Ho's better compared to bicycles. But from were I come from, cards are not as readily available, so is it worth it to buy a brick of Tally Hos if it will cost me twice as much as buying a...
  9. Antonio Diavolo

    Card printing locations?

    Can someone tell me the benefits and detriments of the different printing locations of USPCC and EPCC? Ive heard there’s an important difference in quality depending on the location in which the cards are printed. Thanks!
  10. M

    Best deck for cardistry from this list?

    Bicycle Warrior Horse Bicycle Dragon Back Bicycle Peacock Bicycle Stickman
  11. S

    Tally-ho's vs Bicycle's

    What cards do you prefer for magic in general and why? Taking in consideration the cost, durability, quality, etc...
  12. J

    Misprinted deck of Bicycle Autumn

    OK so here's the story... I literary just went to set up one of my favorite decks into chased order so I could use them for a trick. I take off the plastic sleeve off of the tuck case and realized the center design is about 2-3 cm. off to the right. Even the big "Bicycle" print on the top is...
  13. pit820

    Green Bikes! Help!

    First off sorry if this is in the wrong section this is my first post. It's a question about a product, just not one of T11's. So I have been sitting here for about the last hour nostalgically reminiscing about my path through magic, and pondering what made me start it all. Something I hadn't...
  14. R

    Off-color Bicycle boxes?

    So I ordered a 2-pack of black back Rider Backs (they were specifically advertised as true 808 Rider Backs) and ended up receiving black Standards instead. I was getting ready to return them, but the color is really off and keeps me from returning them until I do some research. The main border...
  15. S

    The Invisible Palm Technique (Youtube)

    Hey guys! Here it is my second video from my channel (SilverMagicAddict)! This time i tried to perform "The Invisible Palm Technique" with some music on it. I hope you like... and im sorry about the image of the video, don't know what's going on (to much pixel viewing and i dont know why) but...
  16. Antonio Diavolo

    Has anyone actually had this happen?

    I hear this a lot when people list their favorite decks. Many say they always go back to Bicycles because they're common and people are less likely to think it's a trick deck. The thing is, I use various decks all the time (primarily bicycle) and the more skeptical people always think its a...
  17. S

    So slippery.

    Hi .. I m new to pro card decks.I bought couple of Bicycle / SteamPunk / ... decks.But every deck has some oily material (may to protect card and reduce friction.) But also impossible me to do even a normal grip. cards fallout, moving though deck,.. Is there any way to remove this oil easily ...
  18. leumas1960


    Is this a good place to order cards from? Also, anywhere else I can find revision 1 decks?
  19. M

    Why are there no BEE gaff cards?

    Been looking around and the Bicycle cards have a lot of gaff/trick decks, but I prefer the BEE standard cards but no one seems to produce gaff/trick decks for these cards... Is there a reason why?
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