biddle trick

  1. Antonio Diavolo

    Help me settle a debate: What is a "triumph"?

    I was talking to one of my magician friends recently and he said that he thinks l the basic presentation for the Invisible Deck and Biddle trick fall under the category of "triumph plot". He said that a key part of a triumph plot is that one card is left inverted in the deck. I argued that the...
  2. Arconik

    Curious of a "perfect" presentation of biddle trick?

    Currently, the biddle trick is porabably my go-to card trick out of any situation - and the one I have worked on the patter most for. I present it as me trying to read their poker face, then depending on the audience I mostly like pretending to mess up the trick to ask them to find the card in...
  3. Antonio Diavolo

    Had the weirdest "heckler" the other day...

    Idk what you'd call this because honestly it was just plain bizarre to me. I was at work and I had some time to kill so I thought I'd show these other teens in the store some tricks. Now, I'm used to people purposely trying to mess up tricks and I can kind of understand the mindset of those...
  4. Antonio Diavolo

    Biddle Trick presentation ideas?

    I've known this trick for awhile and I honestly love the effect itself. But I've always had trouble trying to justify the whole "5 card" thing. I don't like the traditional "cutting to within five cards of yours" thing because spectators aren't stupid. They know you could cut right to their card...
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