
  1. Antonio Diavolo

    Favorite way to peek a billet?

    I really want to start doing stuff with billet peeks but I'm not really sure what to use. I can do the standard center tear but I never really liked how it's supposed to be used. It just felt weird tearing up the billet myself when I could easily have them do it. Some of the peek wallets out...
  2. A

    Billet Knife

    Hey guys. I'm trying to buy a billet knife. I want to do a card to soccer ball effect. The only one that I've seen online is the poor boy billet knife Does anybody who own it know if the knife if it is strong enough to cut a soccer ball or if it would work for the effect that I'm trying to make...
  3. Antonio Diavolo

    Business Card ideas?

    So there's a long story to this. For the past 3 or so years, I've done this volunteer magic thing where I teach some basic card tricks and games to poor children. It's really fun. Anyway, it turns out that one of the owners of the yogurt shop I work at was part of the organization that does...
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