
  1. J

    Cheap Switch Deveices

    I'm looking for a switch device that can be handled by the spectator and possibly inspected. I don't have a lot of money, and I'm from the UK so shipping can become quite expensive. Is there anything out there that is relatively cheap or can be made from home? I'm thinking maybe like an...
  2. Vzayy

    Brick Box ??

    Hello, I wanted to know if we buy 12 decks (a full brick) or 6 decks (half a brick), do we get a brick box with special design on it or do we just get the decks ? Does that depends on the deck ? (I saw that for the Mystery Box for 12 decks we get the special wooden box, but for other decks there...
  3. V

    Quick-Change Help

    Hi guys, this is my first post and I'm looking for help with a quick-change outfit performance. My plan is to use a large cardboard box as the location of the change, and subsequently use the same box for a sword routine (but that's not my issue today). However, I'm not sure how large the box...
  4. Maaz Hasan

    Wooden Tuck Cases

    So my Tech - Ed teacher lets us decide what we want to make in the wood-shop. I'm planning on making a tuck case out of wood. Has anyone attempted to make one, and if so do you have the plans? I'm not sure how much bigger the case needs to be compared to the deck. Another thought, has anyone...
  5. Peeppo

    Ring into sealed pack

    Hi guys! Many times I have seen a trick when the spectator's ring disappears (afetr light of a flash paper) and then it appears in 10-times packed and sealed box. The spectator opened the box and he confirmed, that the ring belongs to him. I saw it more times, but I have never found it like...
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