
  1. Vzayy

    Brick Box ??

    Hello, I wanted to know if we buy 12 decks (a full brick) or 6 decks (half a brick), do we get a brick box with special design on it or do we just get the decks ? Does that depends on the deck ? (I saw that for the Mystery Box for 12 decks we get the special wooden box, but for other decks there...
  2. V

    Tally Ho Vs Bicycle

    Hey guys, So I am a beginner to Cardistry, and from what I've gathered, people seem to generally like Tally Ho's better compared to bicycles. But from were I come from, cards are not as readily available, so is it worth it to buy a brick of Tally Hos if it will cost me twice as much as buying a...
  3. A

    Bicycle Maiden Back Playing Cards

    Hey everyone, I've been trying to find a place where I can buy maiden back decks in bricks (individuals at reasonable price are fine too). I have not found any such place, so could any of you point me in the right direction? Thanks, Hashim
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