card cheat

  1. Scodischarge

    Erdnase shift one-handed cover

    Hi guys, I've been working on the one handed shift these last few weeks and it's gotten pretty fluid by now. Obviously I still have a lot of work to do to get it really good, but it's coming along well enough that I'm starting to think about ways to cover this move. Anybody got any tips? Thank...
  2. Scodischarge

    Who is Doc?

    Beforehand: I'm not quite sure this is the right place to post this question, if it isn't I'd appreciate it if you could tell me where I can repost it. Hi guys, Especially over at The Magic Café I've heard some talk about a guy who calls himself Doc. He is supposedly among the greatest card...
  3. Scodischarge

    Steve Forte teachings

    Hi guys! Steve Forte is probably one of the best and certainly one of the most respected cardsmen out there. Especially his skill with gambling techniques is incredible. But I haven't found any book or DVD in which he teaches any of those techniques. Of course, there's the Gambling Protection...
  4. Scodischarge

    False Shuffle Tips

    Hi Guys, I'm having some trouble with my push-through shuffle and was wondering whether somebody could help me. The concept is pretty straightforward and I'd say I'm able to do a decent push-through shuffle (good enough to fool most laymen). However, if you know how it works it's pretty obvious...
  5. mexican nanny

    Interpretation on S.W Erdnase

    Hey guys I know that this may seem a bit stale simply due to the fact on the mass amounts of threads around this topic. I have looked through the many threads but I just wanted to ask you guys on your own interpretation on the author this is for a presentation i'm doing on analysing other...
  6. S

    Board games / Card games for magicians?

    Hey guys! Just wanted to start a thread where we can recommend board games or card games (you know, outside of the standard 52 card deck) where the skills of a magician would come in handy. Within the rules, though; no cheating! Just great persuasion, sleight-of-hand skills, bluffing, reading...
  7. ladexterite


    Here's my 'Take' on a sleight made famous by Sharps, Mechanics, & Cheats. Although 'not there' yet, It will take months of practice, years to perform, and a lifetime to perfect. Here's a 'taste' for now.
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