cardistry decks

  1. 2

    Touch cards

    Does anyone know were to get touch cards that are not on ebay or from a used dealer.
  2. Vzayy

    No Virtuoso 2018 Deck

    Thoughts about that ? Are you as disappointed as me ? I hope they make us an amaizing deck for 2019 (or maybe even 2).
  3. Vzayy

    Designing cards software

    Hello, I began designing decks on drawing software but one which is probably not really suited for designing cards. So I wanted to know if you have any recommandations of which software to use ? If possible, one which is available for free. Thanks !!
  4. G

    Current Best Decks of Playing Cards

    During 2017 a lot of decks were released, a lot of them of known brands like the virts or fontaine, but for you, which decks do you like the most? Obviously, in terms of quality, design, stock and all that. Personally, I'm currently using the Orbit V4 as my main deck, but a lot of people stick...
  5. C

    What are your favorite cardistry cards?

    Hey guys, I'm just wondering what cardistry cards you like the best? List your top 3? Thanks :)
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