
  1. P

    Daniel Garcia's “Perpendicular Vanish” and card vanishes

    Does anybody know where Daniel Garcia's “Perpendicular Vanish” can be learned? And also what are other great card vanishes except Daniel Madison’s "Half Vanish", Chad Nelson’s “Clip Shift”, Tony Chang's "Be Kind Vanish" and The Rub-a-Dub Vanish
  2. A

    How should I take care of a deck of cards?

    Is practicing spreads and ruffle shuffles on carpet bad for cards, because I practice on the floor a lot and I don’t want to be constantly buying new cards
  3. Y

    Uncut Sheets

    Hello there, I recently thought about using my elite points to get the Red Titanium Uncut Sheet from the Archive. I ordered it, however when I go to my orders section, I found a small writing saying it's a download. Does that mean that I will only be getting the download version of the uncut...
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