collectors cards

  1. zOxydrOp

    ALMOST complete Monarchs collection!!! ❤︎

    Hello everyone! First of all, congratulations Theory11 for the 13th anniversary. :) Recently I was able to acquire a mint Eleven Madison Park monarchs after a few good years of looking for one! I'm now missing the pre-release monarchs/gold original monarchs. I have no intention of owning one...
  2. CardMagicNJ

    Jackpot with David Blaine Mystery Box Set !!!!

    Hey All, Was actually nervous as to what I would receive honestly. Ok, so my autographed deck was the ABC deck which is supposedly rare. 1 - Gold Gatorbacks, 1 - Green Gatorbacks, 1 - Split Spades Lions ( red ) 1st Edition, 1 - Split Spades Lions ( Blue ) 1st Edition, Split Spades Black...
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