
  1. S

    Looking for recommendation

    Hi all, I have a deck of Contraband (stellar back design!), but as a poker player I like to have my decks to have a partner (so to speak) Any suggestions as to which Theory11 deck might best compliment the brilliant Contrabands? I'm currently leaning towards Citizens, but open to other...
  2. M

    Contraband hidden-safe lamp for Europeans

    Does anyone now if its possible to order the Contraband hidden-safe lamp with a plug for EU outlets and a bulb designed to handle our 220 volt current? Or is buying a voltage converter the only realistic option to enjoy the lamp in Europe?
  3. J

    (Spoof Vid) Flourish 52: Pick Up (A Journey into Cardistry) Demo

    I may have had too much free time and needed a break from actually practicing flourishes. Hopefully you crack a smile and respect to all the cardists out there, the work you guys do is amazing.
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