
  1. D

    No lighter for counterfeit

    I've just recently gotten counterfeit by Wayne Houchin, and I love the trick. However, I'm on the younger side, so I can't really use a lighter for the finally. Are there any ways I could replace the lighter and get the same effect?
  2. Antonio Diavolo


    There has been a recent spam of someone or some sort of bot trying to sell counterfeit (not the Wayne Houchin trick) money and passports through WhatsApp. Just wanted to point that out. Thanks guys!
  3. Ben2__Ben2

    Counterfeit advice

    Does anybody have advice on the best cards to use for Counterfeit? I'm practising with cheap toy shop cards and the tears are often 'fluffy' which makes the 3rd restore temperamental - it works, but a sharper tear would better for when I'm ready to go public.
  4. Maaz Hasan

    Counterfiet Assets

    I'm not positive because I have not bought Counterfiet (yet), but I think it is safe to infer that the trick requires some duplicates? If so, does it come with the Duplicates, such as the Torn and Restored Transpo?
  5. kennethcmerrill

    Counterfeit Questions

    I've had my eye on Counterfeit for a long time, and I recently watched several performance videos some people have posted on YouTube, to see it in realtime and decide if it would be a good fit for me. The performances were pretty dismal, and maybe that's the issue, but they definitely raised a...
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